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First, a shoutout to the patron who just decided to clock $50 to the Stratometaship. Wow. Your support is encouraging.

Second, I confess, Patreon's UI confounded my efforts to find that patron's details and send a personalized thank you. Dang!

Third, I know I don't post much here - perhaps I should - but I do keep pumping out stuff at AoWTF (https://plus.google.com/u/0/collection/ozEE2  ) and at wizardthieffighter.com and at facebook.com/wizardthieffighter and on twitter and all that stuff ... for now I'm still catching up with all the different locations, so ... bear with me.

Fourth, I'm working on a special, secret, #DnD and #OSR and more project that melts together gaming supplement and graphic novel, which may also reorient the way I use this patreon. I'll ask about suggestions later.

Till then, forward the good fight!



Dead Google Drive link?