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Dear heroes!

I hope all of you are well, I hope your adventures have been fun. A simple post this time, no big stories or backgrounds.

I've illustrated the first half of Synthetic Dream Machine: Eternal Return Key. It is attached.


I thought I'd have this post ready sooner, but I ran into some color management issues with the Affinity suite while preparing the 2nd edition UVG products for printing. Long story short - I shifted back to Adobe. With a baby on the way, decided to bite the cost and save the time. See footnote for the long story.

Now, switching the whole 32-page zine over to a different platform (indesign), rebuilding all my text styles, setting up tables ... yeah, I didn't look forward to that, so I put it off for a few days.

This is my first time doing a layout where I'm not binding myself to baselines, which makes some things easier. Though, being myself, there are still some grids to help me believe that there is order.


I'm going to do my darndest to have all the art finished before I go on holiday next week. After a long time, a dear friend is coming to visit all the way here in Corée, so I'm going to be mostly off-line for a couple of weeks.

I can't promise I'll get all the art done. I often imagine it'll go fast, but ... the flesh is weak and the clock is fast. What I do promise is that I'll post an update with however much art is done, whether I feel it's finished or not -- not perfectionism but updates!

Oh, and I got to see some more production photos from UVG 2E. That's also very exciting. Look at the thickness on that screen! (hands not mine, mine aren't as pretty)

And the map ...

Yeah, looking pretty :)

Okay, Take Care Everyone!

I've just been ordered to come to the dinner table ... so ... uh ... welcome to spring everyone, bon appetit, and hope you enjoy the pdf upload!




Footnote 1: Color Management Issue

I'm fed up enough with it, that I'm just going to share the screenshots of my rant.




Cool to see a character sheet! Is there no more skills in SDM? Wait... They are combined with the traits?


One big thing I noticed thats very different from the previous versions of this: On level up you only get 1 thing (attribute boost, trait), wheras in UB sometime you could get Skill + Trait + Attribute throughout the same level. Is this big power decrease intentional? I'm sure the level 6 example char would look nothing alike.


It's intentional to simplify the game / character progression. The way I look at it, is that UB provides options that can elaborate on SBM. Those additional traits and skills and attributes could come about as a result of play (e.g. - help the angels, and in gratitude they raise your agility, OR study the ancient mechanoglyphs and learn a new skill), rather than directly through XP purchase. But, again, in a 32-page zine simplicity wins and so this whole elaboration is relegated (for now).