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Dear heroes!

I thought I would post sooner, but as lady luck would have it, here we are in mid December. As usual, I had this idea that I would prepare a big wow thing to surprise you all and then ... well.

Instead, find attached another step on the road to UVG 2E.

Prepping everything for print always takes longer than I would wish! Between energy levels (not quite as high as I would wish) and goals (higher than I initially planned) and some personal news (all good, will share eventually).

Time, it flies.

Flies enough that I got a reminder from patreon to "engage with my community".

So - if this email feels too soon, blame Patreon. If it feels perfectly timed, thank me. Thank you.

Above, an ad.

Right, I didn't caption the picture above. That's from the last page of the UVG 2E. It's an ad for the book that I am rendering from the tome that is Uranium Butterflies (aka. BIG SEACAT).

In revising UVG 2E I've rendered the core of all that system down to a single page.

Which I think does a fairly lovely job.

Lovely enough for me!

Why aren't you sharing SDM: Another Golden Age yet?

The manuscript isn't ready yet! It will be soon. Here's another teaser ...

Yes, yes ... the short book is already 61 pages long.

Anyone who makes a joke about that will get gently kicked into the gelatinous cylinder.

I've got my eyes on you, Raz.

I have an excuse!

Map, Screen, Endpapers

So, for all who remember a few years ago, finishing the GM screen and the map were some of the last things I did for UVG and by then I was pretty badly burned out and I struggled mightily.

Welp. They're getting a revamp. And the GM screen is also coming to the endpapers ... hence (also attached), this beauty:

The entire travel procedure of the UVG, condensed on the front endpapers.

More content will find its way onto the back endpapers.

But, these things are the real big reason I'm unready to share SDM yet — making a pretty spread like this takes a while.

A couple of days, frankly.

Well ... 

I won't make SDM quite like this. 

But this is the style I'm aiming at.

Not too ambitious at all, right?

Talk to you soon!

I'll make one more post this month, with the manuscript in the shape it will be. Won't promise exactly when, since I'll also be taking a few offline weeks.

I hope you'll find the wait worthful!

Meanwhile, greetings from the snow and cold.






Loving this as always, Luka! Re: the unified travel procedure, I might suggest making the decorative lines (already slightly different in tone) an entirely different color? I mention because just at a glance, my eye shies away from the entire squiggly set, and I'd have to force myself to very methodically stare through the travel chart, rather than being able to quickly see at a glance where to go for the next step. Excited to dig thru the 2e PDF :)


Happy holidays and good cheer and peace to you and your loved ones. Best!