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Dear heroes!

I planned to post this update in the last week of August, but life kind of had other plans. Though I was drawing and writing and editing and polishing ... the last week was eaten up by wrapping things up in Slovenia, sprucing up the family house, tossing out old things, meeting friends before I left, packing, and getting very anxious about the travel.

I have to say, trans-continental travel in these pandemic-russian-invasion days is quite a fair bit more stressful.

Anyhow, I got things sorted, avoided covid (which meant I could board my flight), and made it to Korea without any sleep. Happy to be home, but the jet lag was intense. And, of course, then we also got to watch typhoon Hinnamnor barrelling north towards us. It dumped some rain on us earlier this week, but our neighbourhood got out of it well enough.

I sometimes suspect I'm becoming dramatically terrible at travelling.

But ... enough about me. We're not here for that.

# Seacat

I ... think that's it. With 0.9 I think there won't be more serious updates before the book goes to final edits. So, first the sort of relatively big news:

We've got a crowdfunding date for a hardcover edition of Uranium Butterflies and a reissue of UVG later this autumn.

I'll let you all know more about it when it's closer, but the key thing is ... all this is only possible because of you and your kind and generous support.

I, and the neoplatypus, thank you all.

So, what's new in 0.9?

- Lots of Blue Skull text - giving metacommentary on the rules. I'll elaborate on some of this in 0.91.

- Six Classic Spells - I've added 6 spells, seacat versions of "lock/pass door", "magic missile", "shield", "heal", "fireball", and "identify" - to illustrate how to create / adapt spells.

- captions - added captions to a lot more art

- tweaks - fixed some small layout things, adjusted some missing details, a bit more on playing a hero, and reordered the initiative options for clarity.

- art - ok, this is a long list: skycat, big gun, xenon elasmothere, red living mail, pointyhelmet creating a distraction, wish-known in the inventory bit, some gear: the spiritus curative, horani war maul, electric icon, libation gate, mister cube, and the options girl. Added an acephalothere, the emperor's new clothes, the unblinking, a piece for no heroes, only extras, a glamorous goat, redid the cancer bomb art, crustfolk, whitecollar drone, crawling shrubbery, hovergolem, a wyvern portal tower, a tricycle golem, the tree's own house and ... the neoplatypus.


I hope you enjoy that!

What's Next?

I'm open to suggestions! But also got the following planned, so vote for those too!

- Get the first Dead City Memories zine/booklet out. It needs one more map, so ... that's easy.

- Synthetic Dreams Wholesale - thinking of doing the Top Cat "guides" as a series of zines. So, one for factions, one for maps, one for bestiary, etc. etc.

- Start finishing some of the older unfinished zines / booklets.


gods, the mosquitoes are eating me alive.

I have to run.


Till then,

Take care, good heroes, and welcome to September





I like your "Synthetic Dreams Wholesale" idea. A smaller zine dedicated to one subject at a time to flesh it out. Also, any thought on continuing with the SECAT cards that you worked on last fall? I really liked the idea of one item, spell, location, monster with all its data contained in one place accompanied by your awesome artwork. Thanks for all your hard work! UVG is my favorite game setting and I look forward to a new printed book!!!


I'm a little confused by the "Shield" spell. What does it mean when it gives [+] to a defense?


It gives advantage [+] vs attacks of that type. So, if a character has [+] vs physical (ha) attacks, then all attacks against them are rolled with disadvantage. Honestly, it's shorthand, so I don't have to write out "all physical attacks against the wizard are rolled with disadvantage [-]".


Gosh, yes - definitely! The cards are on my mind. I want to have 3 decks ready by the time the crowdfunding launches. 2 decks are basically done ... I just have to revisit them.