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Dear heroes!

Here's a second update for May, available in June, because months just end all of a sudden and surprise a human who was expecting them to last a bit longer. OOPS.

Time keeps being interesting in the worst ways. Three weeks with foot in a splint now, at least one more week to go. Then we'll see if I'll require surgery for my injured Achilles tendon. Ah, the joys of repeating injuries from ill-advised accidents earlier in life.

You'd think not being able to walk would mean more time for writing and drawing, right? Well ... it's unbelievable how uncomfortable, hot, painful, and all-round not-swell a splint can be. I'm going very slightly mad, looking at the lovely weather outside, while stuck inside hob-gob-bling on crutches.

But enough about me, back to the book, the nearly finished book.

New in Update 0.86

This update brings no radical changes. I'm filling out the book, heading for the finish line.

• completed spell albums: plantsinger, metal bard, silent giants, erebus gates.

• adjusted spells: biomancy tags moved

• layout tweaks: consumables cleaned up, saving 2 spreads, pets cleaned up, saving 1 spread

• new art: exquisite face (p155), vatula (p290), void suit, minotaur queen (p248), tripod daemon (p260), protean body (p290), advancement temple (p109), portal architect (p73), gladiator (p57), crystal eye (p295), home soil (items, forgot page no.).

• digital (gdocs) character sheets for heroes and extras, themed to the orange glow aesthetic of the S:UB colour scheme: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1frAY0Zrs6XTcVzXlg9cyx65NIisyICtD3QY4Uw7q2y0/edit#gid=0 - future plans include: caravan sheets, spell album sheets, possibly others - settlements? regions? locations?

Remaining: 9 spells, captions, art, and a few floating paragraphs.

BONUS: Lexicon of the Vastlands (LOV)

See attached: I've decided to create a single book compiling the glossaries of the UVG, Red Sky (TBD), S:UB, URS, and other Vastlands books (ZOA, VotBO, etc.). I'm going to eventually release this as a digital PWYW and POD or some such thing. I realized I prefer having something book-like for the lexicon / glossary, compared to the ekleksikon on the website. Also, looks nicer and lets me test out a different book size. I might use this for future Lastlands zines. Easy to print, too.

As Always

Thank you for your support, good heroes.

I know I'm kind of brief today. Last few weeks have been a pain in the ... posterior ... with the leg, visiting doctors, visiting more doctors for other family members, visiting in-laws, and generally feeling hot and bothered about being barely mobile. On the plus side, I'm building up shoulder and triceps muscles from crutch-hobbling.

Wishing all of you more health and fewer accidents.

Take care, good heroes!





Also I had a peg leg thing when I broke my heel that helped me feel normalish. It was easier to move around in, I got it from a friend, so I don't know the cost.


I have a printed plastic splint, it's not that heavy or anything, and I can hobble around and even drive (if I'm careful). But ... still. It's like mobility reduced to 25%.


Love these updates, even if they are small, because we are very close to the finish line.


Bigger one coming soon :) thought it was going to be today, but it'll be Monday. Just cleaning up some layouts now ...