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Dear heroes ...

We are over 700. Thank you.

I don't have the words to express how much your support means to me. I'm quite tired these days (corona in the house), but I'm working on two main things for the near future.

  • A short adventure on war, the length of Let Us In, that I had planned for a while. Proceeds will go to humanitarian causes in Ukraine.
  • Getting Uranium Butterflies (Seacat 0.85) over the finish line.

These days, this last month, has been a struggle in many ways. I know I've mentioned the Russian invasion of Ukraine. It's been very heavy for me in many ways I don't want to go into in too much detail. I feel terrible for the Ukrainian victims of the invasion. I also feel for the Russian citizens opposed to their government's actions, who will we be tarnished with the shame of this war for a generation.

I'm also planning a translation of Witchburner into Russian, with my royalties going to humanitarian causes. It was an issue I grappled with for a while, but in the end I decided, this was the best way. Many Russians do not support their warmongering president, and giving them a way out is one of the best ways to help reduce his power. My games are a small escape, but if they change or help one person, it will be enough. At the same time, I can contribute my royalties to those who need them more. I'll see how that will play out precisely.

These days I really don't want to shift focus from my big book, so close to the finish time—so it's going to be a juggling act. Me tacking between the two works. We'll see how it will work out.

Wishing all of you health and peace in these times of history.


PS - And in breaks in between, I'll be writing up URS :D 



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