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Dear heroes,

What a day outside. A prayer for peace. I considered waiting on this update, but I decided to share. Nothing wrong with a bit of escapism.

However, I am a bit ... wordless and numb. Wrapping and prepping the spells for this update wasn't the easiest. Forgive me if my letter is a bit basic.

New in 0.82

The spells are now over 50% done. Got another 8-9 spell albums to detail, some 20 more items, some 20 vehicles ... a bit of tweaking on the consumables ... spit and polish on skills, then off to some rest.

  • Fixed Table of Content issues - now the bookmarks / ToC sidebar work correctly. Yay!
  • Spells: Veda of the Flying Serpent - poison, snakes, uroboros. (p198-199)
  • Spells: Hard Light Magic - light bending, lasers. (p204-205)
  • Spells: Electromagic (completed) - now with full Frankenstein monster features. (p210-211). Renamed from Amber Child to Electric Prometheus.
  • Spells: Daemon Summoning - including tables for true names and random daemons. These are some of the more complex spells for summoning, binding, banishing, etc. (p214-217)
  • New spell album symbols.
  • A bit of new art.

Other News

I've got a contract, four writers, a designer, and an editor provisionally confirmed for the Anti-Kanon Zine. Time to put them together ... I'm just waiting for the headspace and inspiration to do a nice image to start things off with the right mood. Soon.

I've also run another session for URS and it went quite alright. Thank you the playtesters.

So ...

Yeah, my head's really not here right now, is it? Can't do word good.

Health and peace, everyone. I hope you enjoy the new update and support one another in difficult times.




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