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Dear heroes,

Here we go. Last stretch. Putting the spells back in! Plugging the remaining gaps! Nearly there. Last endless mile, last burning sky.

The core of new stuff this time is 3 spell albums restored and a bundle of art.

Changelog v0.80 to v0.81

  • New content: random trait generator (inspiration table, 120 entries).
  • New content: rightmaker spells and items (album completed, 2 pages).
  • New content: healing spells completed, backstory for the album written (album completed, 1 page).
  • New content: 20 more item promotions.
  • Restored content: golemmafex spells (Android Crucible) and lemmas (4 pages, rewritten restored).
  • Modified content: Text on dangerous magic rewritten for clarity. Thanks to Zolar for insight.
  • Modified content: Advancement modified to fix error in tables vs. required xp totals. Advancement rolls of 1 and 13 for pulp and epic heroes now burn xp instead of investing them in the hero - this keeps all the numbers round. 500 (or 5k) xp per advancement, and still clocking to new tiers (or maxing out) at 9,999 (99,999). Thanks to El for spotting and suggesting that fix.
  • Modified content: some vedas and spell albums renamed.
  • New art: who is this hero, many skills, several traits, mutation, several items, rightmaker and golemmafex spell albums, item promotions, inventing new traits header image.
  • New icons: golemmafex, cosmic logos, feathered serpent.
  • Layout: adjusted spacing on traits, adjusted layout on skills, adjusted hero and item promotion layouts.
  • Labels: added labels to some art.
  • Technical: Fixed bug that bloated file size of .afpub save file. Solution: Resource Manager > Embed All Files > Link All Files > Save As.

I also have to sit down and do the cleanup of the companion book: Synthetic Dreams Wholesale. In due time.

Also some other news:

Translated UVG and Lastlands

  • UVG is going to be available in Portuguese soon. First translation!
  • A Polish crowdfunding campaign for UVG is also in the works from Triglav.
  • Outremer is translating Witchburner and the rest of the Lastlands to Castellano.
  • French UVG is coming via Odonata Editions.
  • Some other translations are in discussions. More info soon enough.

It's super exciting to see my work get translated, and a bit overwhelming too, because at the end of the day I am still just one human hunched over behind a computer servant feeding me dribbles of electronic stimulation across the aethers that surround our world in a web of confusing information and conflicting chatter.

I just wish I could kick myself into organizing all this information into a more easily accessible format. I think I'm slowly approaching the point where I'll need to pay someone to keep all this stuff straight. An interesting transition.


Do not let me bore you overlong with my word salads.

There, attached - 258 pages of hero content for the Vastlands. Take some characters and give them a spin in your very own unique Dekapolis (see: Monochrome Rainbows, also attached for convenience - including a messy .afpub file if you would play with it).

Wishing you all health and safety,





Hercules fighting the snake seems very Mervyn Peake-ish for some reason.


> Do not let me bore you overlong with my word salads. But sir, that is precisely why I am here!