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Dear heroes,

One more for midsummer! 

An update to seacat

New this time:

  • art for the six example heroes that will be the first glimpse of seacat for the reader. I'm quite happy with how minimal the required stat blocks for a hero can be. Also, some people were worried the defences would be too low, but ... I can confirm that Pointyhelmet got to 18 ha defence quite easily!
  • some more creatures and creature art.
  • some more items.
  • a reorganization, so axioms go into a section dubbed "understanding the game".
  • a running the game section which will break down, well, running the game. I've got a few thousand words from last year I need to rework to fit, should be soon enough.
  • the necrolexicon is finished. I'm especially proud of spell number five in that album. Doing the spell albums, even just adapting them, is honestly surprisingly slow! Agh!
  • chopped out some bits from the end that were doing nothing
  • reorganized the "inventing new skills" and "inventing new traits" sections, plus restored the bit about how to learn new skills / acquire new traits "in-play"
  • "old school" advancement (as in the UVG) presented as an option -- might actually flip things, so the "random+story advancement" goes into an appendix.
  • advancement for extras.

I think I've covered all of the structure now. Yes, bits are still missing and unwritten (half the spell albums aaaaa!), but it's really taking shape.

It's also now officially bigger than UVG, clocking in at 225 pages.

Sneak peek at srdcat (the digital version):

this is a look at the character section. All those things are editable buttons, and a lot of it updates automatically. Best thing is, it also generates automatically. Yeah, we're getting towards push-button heroes.

This is a look at the items collection. Once it's all full up, you'll be able to search for every item, every bit of gear, by name, tag, etc. And, also, add it to your character. Of course, each item also includes full stats, keeping things simple.

So, yay!

Holy Mountain Shaker News

In non-seacat news - I finally finished reviewing all the edits, and HMS is off to layout. I've just got to send over the art files, then redo the map for the final bit ... and should be good to fly :).

I will have to write up the Free Plish Gazette as well at some point ... for those interested in the place's background. :)

Itch.io Selects Summer Sale

UVG is also part of the itch.io selects summer sale, along with five other games, all bundled for $12. So, if that's in your wheelhouse, now might be the time to jump the gun and mix the metaphors.



Finally, some actual news ...

Seacat Introductory Adventure

I know, I promised I'd work on just seacat until it was done. But then I agreed to do a free rpg day thing and after noodling around, I figured out how to turn Let Us In, into a one-shot adventure module and introduction for seacat all at once.

I promise it'll be nice. A little bit of survival horror with a creepy manor and pre-made characters.

I'd originally thought to set it as part of the Longwinter book, but I think it will be better as its own standalone.


And this is the song that inspired the whole thing. Well, this, and Invasion of the Body Snatchers and some other classy bits of human interculture. 

Bear with me, an introductory adventure is a good thing! Totally not a detour! I promise it won't be longer than 12 pages!


And that's that! Take care these midsummer days, good heroes, and wishing you a lovely and welcoming weekend.





Hype to finally see the "investing in items" get developed in a future release! A lot of people I play with don't want to replace some of their equipment as they level-up, but instead power up existing ones.


Eager to see SRDcat. And Bravo for the Digital DM screen. Nice work


Yep. It's such slow going ... I feel terrible that I take so long to write everything ... but getting there. Bit by bit!