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Hello, dear heroes!

I've been thinking of taking a virtual wood cabin retreat, probably a week long, to focus on self and work instead of world and web.

Fortuitously, a forest of unusual red and orange and teal trees has appeared near my house. Behind the verdigris towers, through the mossy grove, diagonally across the mirror lake, and corkscrewise between the sheets of one dawn and a next.

So I’m going there on a creative break for a week. It looks like a lovely place to explore, but I suspect internet reception might be spotty there, so I’m preemptively deleting apps off my portables and blocking web sites and making my digital self very tenuous and scarce.

I know you’ll all understand in your dividual hearts and minds. After all, who wouldn’t want to explore a haven from the multimaedian maelstrom now and again.

I can't promise 0.71 will be ready when I return, I can't promise it won't. I can promise I'll take the time to welcome everyone and share any gems I find in that odd forest there.

Be well, everyone!
