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Dear heroes,

Welcome to mid May! We're getting closer to the halfway mark of 2020 ... uh ... sorry ... 2021. Where has that year gone?

Anyway, it's a regular update to seacat. So, what's new and improved?

  • Extras and sidekicks and pets are back. Added about 10 different creatures. As is one more pengling illustration, also returned.
  • The table for promoting sidekicks has also made a return, neatly revised and slightly upgraded.
  • Most of the skills now have additional ranks. At this point, the name is a bit ... of a misnomer. They're extensive enough that they might be called a class in some other game like Troika. But, skill is a nice monosyllabic expression, so it's staying for now. Better than skill bundle, I guess. Or nonweapon proficiency.

Seacat's now long enough that even a productive week like this one often leaves me feeling a little ... unproductive. Even five additional pages and illustrations just don't show on the manuscript. Ah, well, so it goes.

Chip, chip, chip away.

667 Heroes

We're also getting close to 667 heroes ... which means ... uh ... we need to come with some kind of special surprise. I've been noodling around different options, and one idea that came to mind was creating a little something special.

We could collect a list of songs, vote on the favourites to make a thematic album ... and then I could make an illustrated spell album based off of those songs. The other option would be something like an open musical inspiration rpg jam ... leaving it a bit more open to inspiration on that front.

Ideas, suggestions, novelties: open to discussion. After all, with all of us, we should be able to come up with some fun ideas.

Welcome to New Heroes

I try to do a personal greeting to every new hero who joins the stratometaship, but I always fall behind with those. Let me just say here, for the new folks here: thank you so much for joining this patreon. Obviously, your support makes it possible for me to write and draw and illustrate, which I deeply appreciate. But over the years of the stratometaship, it's also become quite a swell little place on the internet for me; I trust for many other heroes; and I hope now also for you. Here's the portal link to the discord server, for those who like that sort of thing:


Be welcome, drag up a chair, have joy!


Cheers and health, everyone.




One of my players will be so pleased to have rules to stat out his origami cat spellbook sidekick!