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Dear heroes, a regular update! Glorious, isn't it? I do hope I'm not choking your inboxes overmuch.

This week I've finally returned to the content of seacat. It's a bit of a slow switch, which I suspect is because my brain is still a little burned out.

The other challenge was that my affinity publisher file of seacat is getting long (round 140 pages with art and tables) and slow. Especially tables seem to slow down the file, and it shows most brutally in how long it takes for the app to render text. Typing with a 2 second delay is not fun, I must say.

Fortunately I've figured out a workaround: a separate file with identical layout and styles in which I assemble a chapter (in this case magic), before pasting it into the "main" file.

I do wish I knew a more robust way of assembling files that are print-ready than this, but it seems to be it for now.

Another thing is that I'm also adapting spells that I already wrote. I don't want to lose those, but I also don't want to edit and lay them out with as much detail and attention as seacat is getting. That's where the B-sides come in. A simpler file, for a simpler project.

I'm planning to release the B-sides as a cheap release on the side. A little less polished, a little rougher.

The other thing I'm planning in the near term is the 16-page rule section as a free doc. Get the word out about seacat and all that.

Today I also got to sit in on a little bit of a UVG game. It's utterly spectacular seeing how and where different games go, far beyond any ideas I could have made up on my own.

Thank you for playing my games, I do find it truly humbling.

And again, thank you for supporting the art and the words. You are inspiring.

Wishing you a cheery weekend,


PS - any ideas what we should do for 667 heroes?




I've got the Affinity suite as well, and two things are keeping me from switching from Indesign to Publisher: no support for indb "books," which would solve the problem you are running into, and no support for scripting, which I use every day for converting markdown to formatted text. Affinity is *almost* there!


I agree. It's very close. I used Adobe InDesign (and their whole CC) for years, but in the end I was just completely fed up with their subscription model, their pricing schemes, their "updates", and more. The current situation has its frustrations, but compared to what it was like dealing with "Big Design", it's just such a relief. I try to avoid subscription software as much as possible, because it's just such a black hole. And, of course, when it comes to InDesign I have that precise problem now: files I created while I owned the software are now shut to me. That said, not advocating piracy of course, but I do recall that some years ago a person who was totally not me alleged that they experienced that a pirated version of adobe's creative suite performed better than the legitimate version, because it didn't constantly drain resources to communicate with its mother ship and also didn't "update" itself to buggy new versions at unpredictable intervals.


Hi Luka, I just joined your Patreon, is the B side here all of the available spell lore for Seacat/UVG, or is there more out there? Thanks, keep up the great work!


Hi Willow and welcome! It's not all of it - I'm cleaning up an older version (titled very badly BREVE SEACAT - things 0.48b) for the single seacat book, and putting all the extras in the b-sides. I'm about 40% done with the process. As for formatting the B-sides - yeah, not done with that yet!