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Dear heroes,

The end of the month has caught me again. Because of the way patreon charges for posts, I'm not sure if this post will be billed in July or in August. That means there are pretty good odds I make no money from patreon for the month of July because I'm too late uploading. It's happened before and it's really frustrating.

The fact is, this update isn't as done as I had hoped (but then it never is, is it?), which is why I'm posting it as v0.48. Quite simply, making the chapters on conflicts and scenes work together seamlessly is hard and taking quite a while. Likewise, updating the entire layotu was hard, and took quite a while.

If you will bear with me, I have a proposal for future updates for Seacat until it is finished:

1. I will make one paid post for Seacat per month. I will not tie the paid post to the latest and greatest version of Seacat.

2. I will upload updated versions of Seacat weekly (or so) as free posts for you, the heroes.

There are a few reasons I would like to do this:

First of all, the aforementioned patreon billing issue.

Second, a question of creative process. I already share snippets and fragments on the discord, but it doesn't quite capture the scope and scale of the project. Version 0.48 of the Book of Things is about ~60 pages of content. Version 0.40 at the last update, when I'd just started adapting the layout was ... ~5 pages. But, because I couldn't clearly see how much I had done since then. Similarly, with the Book of Rules, the longer it gets, the slower it gets because I have to doublecheck cross references to make sure I'm not making you a turkey sandwich out of rubber duck meat.

Thirdly, a matter of fairness. I already share snippets on discord, but I should really do so here as well.

Finally, a matter of motivation. After weeks of staring at layouts and writing and illustrating, I sometimes feel a little overwhelmed. It gets psychologically wearing, facing the oncoming month's end and the unwavering mountain of work, both at the same time. So, having a visible record should help with that.

I hope you agree with this process and will forgive me the somewhat ... lapsarian update to the book of rules this time. I hope to remedy that in v0.48b or v0.48c sometime early next week.

~with sincere thanks and appreciation.

EDIT: added the heroes pdfs, still with old layouts!

also added some hi-res art - enjoy!




I agree with Victor above. Smaller weekly updates are cool.


I'm eager to see the Penglings.