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Hello Fair Heroes!

There'll be shipping dates to share about UVG soon enough, but for now ... what have I been up to? You may recall I've been muddling about a bit. Slightly rudderless in the after-new-year.

A large part was the knowledge that I really needed to get back to my home country again. It's been eight years since I've actually lived there and following the highs and lows of the last year, I felt strongly the need to recalibrate. I finally made my decision and on the 19th I'm heading there to spend some time between the sea and the white-bone mountains.

Another part is that my work is going out there, to be judged and hot-taken upon. That is ... well. Not great.

Another part is that my dog of ten years passed away last week.

Life continues.

Longwinter Will Be Out Soonish

I've gotten feedback from Anna on how much it'll take to spruce it up, and soon the text will be in editing. I'll probably release it even before then as a $17 manuscript edition on dtrpg. Something like an early alpha ... but you've all got it already in hand.

Here's a high resolution take from the book.

But, beyond that, a small adventure module set in the same world is also taking shape in the notes. So ... the trilogy will take shape.

Breve Seacat is getting written again

... and it's surprisingly hard, because though I have almost all of it outlined, putting it into a shape that works well is a constant challenge. There are three elements that have to mesh:

1. The hero book has to be fun and let players get playing instantly.

2. The rules book has to provide all the rules and options any of the players might need at any time (referee and players alike), and I'm compiling the rules from the UVG along with some from Longwinter, and so on ... and, well, fun times.

3. Finally ... the world book has to serve as a glossarium for the different skills and abilities and concepts and monsters and worlds and all that. It's compiling the world stories and anticanons of Red Sky, UVG, and so on.

And I just have to re-emphasize how it's not about making super-innovative rules, but about making play fast, crunchy enough, easy to pick-up, and fun.

This is the sausage getting made.

I'm thinking of getting somebody else to come in and do a novel pass on the character sheet, because ... well ... I always get stuck making those, and suddenly a day is past.

But ... slowly forward.

Slowly forward.

Stay brave, everyone.

—Cheers, Luka




I'm sorry things have been going rough recently. Can't state enough how much I enjoy your work and look forward to getting my hands on the UVG and Breve SEACAT after that. Regarding character sheets, I really really liked the one you shared before. Hope things look up for you soon!


I'm sorry about your doggo, man. That sucks. If you need anything, just yell. Also, I hope that 9 timezones is far enough that my SQUEEEEEEE about a Longwinter update didn't disturb you.


Thank you, Paul! Good to hear on all counts. I think I'll just share 4 different character sheets, and leave the choice to the player!