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Magnificent Heroes!

May the tides of the gentle stars bring you good cheer and good fortune. I bring d6 news from the oracles of the new year.

1. Witchburner is coming out in a limited first-edition print run. I've partnered with Exalted Funeral's Matt and Cristin to the physical world. Last week we got the green light from the printer and the books should be ready to later this month (fingers crossed all the proofs come out shiny). This limited edition has more art and it's coming with a pretty big discount for patrons (have to confirm final numbers, but it's like a third off). You can get more info and do preorders at Exalted Funeral but you might wait a bit, till I get a coupon code for y'all!

2. Ultraviolet Grasslands is getting some music to go with the Kickstarter promo video. Slovenian psychedelic stoner band Jegulja (The Eel) agreed to let me use their music with the UVG, and I agreed to share their sounds - you're welcome to check them out. Also, yes, if everything goes well with the printing for Witchburner, we're set to launch the KS. Fingers crucified!

3. Last Round at Jeepla's is completely illustrated, with around 30 little characters commemorating the good times we had on G+. A big thank you to everyone who participated! All that's left is to put them together into a booklet and put them up on DTRPG and elsewhere as a monument to the gaming scene we all built together.

4. What Ho, Frog Demons! which I worked on with Chris Kutalik is finally fixed up for the second proof. The first physical proof we ordered from DTRPG had a couple of errors - I got the pagination wrong on the .pdf (turns out, removing the covers muddles every spread) and a transparency on some arrows printed as thick black squares. Ugh. Thing was, it was a really short fix, but between all the drawing, writing, and other life-drama-life, I ended up taking more than a month to get around to fixing it. I'm really sorry about that and, if I can suggest you take a look ... What Ho is really pretty fun. And it does have a pretty large Benny Hill Show-inspired section for players to run around while chased by beet zombies. Check it out on DTRPG (yes, I put an affiliate link in there).

5. Hell Frog Heaven is in the works, a small .pdf supplement on frog demons to go with What Ho. It's basically more unique froggy monstrosities than you want to shake a stick at. I've got the art and text done - now it's just awaiting an editing pass, and some final layout. This one's coming out with Hydra.

6. I'm having trouble deciding if the next paid post should be for Red Sky Dead City or for Longwinter! This is not really news, just an observation that it's really hard to switch thinking and creative process between one story and another mid-write. Like, really hard. There's a good chance the next paid post will be more Red Sky, since I have quite a bit of notes already written and it's all still freshish in my head. Anyhow, this is a lesson for future projects!

Ok, that's the news from me.

(oh, hey, a composite of the heroes of Jeepla's!)

But I do have a question for everyone here: what would you like to see? What am I missing? What cool new fantasy is passing me by? I've got blind spots the size of the near moon and fixing some of that would be all for the good.

Cheers and gears!





Happy New year, Luka! And yep, I'm with the rest, more Red Sky is excellent. And by what you have said I conclude that Red Sky is what is in your creative mind right now! Go ahead man, when you want to switch to Longwinter again we are with u!


A small note! Preorders are now open on Exalted Funeral, but I'm going to need a day or two to get the discount coupons set up for patrons. Sorry for the delay!