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An old woman in rusted golem armor (HD 6, avatar of the city), approaches along a foot path from a ramshackle house at the farthest edge of the cliff. 

“Leave it be,” she says, “It is harmless now, and all its promises are lies. I can return you home now, if you like.”



This final update of the Ultraviolet Grasslands completes the manuscripts, stretching many months (and twice as many updates as originally planned) from The Violet City of the Catlords at the western fringes of the Circle Sea and the Rainbowlands, across the wasted lands beneath the Purple Haze to reach the Black City.

The Black City adds:

- reality malfunctions
- the object of anyone's desires
- the black city hermits and black hospitallers
- prophecies from beyond time and space
- five portals to strange places
- toxic dust and magnificent dead
- the answer to all quests
- false realities
- the Black Obelisk
- and the House on the Edge of Time

- and, I've attached the map, again, and added the current v0.9 or so caravan sheets.

- EDIT: Thanks to James Smith, an error on the cover (ack) was found and fixed. That's why I replaced the .pdf with an updated version.

Which tells less than it seems. The heroes have wandered across a continent and come to their world's Xanadu, their El Dorado. Death, doom, madness, and bliss all await them. The Black City offers a natural point to end or break or alter a campaign world. Do it! Remake the world! Disrupt and destroy! Let them be the agents of chaos, just as the Black Obelisk intends!

Rage and pique for my lord Yagaraga!


Thank You All, Patrons and Supporters

You have made this journey and this writing more fun, more amazing, and more exhilarating than I can say.

I promise to return with an edited, proofread, and cleanly laid out UVG to you soon.

Now, on the sixteenth day, I rest.



EDIT: the attached final update of the UVG has been removed as I prepare the next project. Existing patrons will receive an email with a link to the final manuscript before the next book begins: Red Sand Blue Sky.  ***.***




Oh man thank you for pulling everything together into this lovely PDF! So excited to read through it all in one piece and will be on the lookout for that offset run KS ;)


Sooooo this is very late, but I have been waiting until Christmas break to sit down and read the final version of UVG... But the link is gone and the one I got in my email goes to a 404. What can I do to get the PDF of the final version?


Ah, yes. I accidentally posted my entire google shared folder. When my whoops was pointed out to me, I simply shut down the entire folder. Here's the link again: <a href="http://bit.ly/uvg-the-black-city-manuscript-private" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://bit.ly/uvg-the-black-city-manuscript-private</a>