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What should marmotfolk look like?

  • They should literally be upright marmots. Very furry. 17
  • Heavy-set, rodenty humanoids. Fatratfolk, if you will. Maybe bearded, maybe extra fluffy. 38
  • Slender rodent humanoids, like eerie fur faeries. 21
  • I have a different idea and I shall now expound upon it! 0
  • 2018-07-12
  • 76 votes
{'title': 'What should marmotfolk look like?', 'choices': [{'text': 'They should literally be upright marmots. Very furry.', 'votes': 17}, {'text': 'Heavy-set, rodenty humanoids. Fatratfolk, if you will. Maybe bearded, maybe extra fluffy.', 'votes': 38}, {'text': 'Slender rodent humanoids, like eerie fur faeries.', 'votes': 21}, {'text': 'I have a different idea and I shall now expound upon it!', 'votes': 0}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2018, 7, 12, 0, 7, 20, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 76}


The marmotfolk live in the bone mountains called The Ribs of the Father, in an uneasy equilibrium with the powerful spectrum satraps to their north. But I haven't drawn them yet! This is what is written about them:

  • The Satraps mutter uneasily of the swift-breeding marmotfolk that live upon and within the bulk of the Ribs.
  • Misfortune! Fell into a marmotfolk night-soil repository. Lose 1d6 points of Charisma due to the smell.
  • A marmotfolk roadcult patrol (HD 2) equipped with archaic weapons and bone magic.

  • Skulltown (+4 days, 400 XP): at the pinnacles of the bone formations, only accessible by treacherous glaciated paths, stands the high citadel of the marmotfolk. There they worship the Evergrowing Bone and give their eye teeth for the bounty of the marrow-plants.
  • They are suspicious and insular, but fabulously skilled in bone sculpting and scrimshaw.
  • Marmotfolk and some of the local nomadics visit to collect it and refine it for their petrifying poisons.
  • Many are home to the blind subterranean marmotfolk clans, but the darkest and longest is the cave of the Iron Worm.
  • Many have been removed and reused since the road was abandoned, but a number still remain, most decked with Satrap cages now, holding the bones of marmotfolk and other interlopers who would threaten Satrap dominance.
  • Two marmotfolk spies (HD 2, sneaky) wearing their human faces.
  • Chased by very slow marmotfolk ba-zombies, gain 1 day but lose 1d6 Con due to lack of sleep.
  • Myth of the Unnumbered Satrap: the Last voyaged from the Spire of Heaven to the Last Thoughts of the Bone God. On the way he stopped at the marmotfolk city of Mirror. It arrived late, and begged for a place to stay, safe from the great vomes that plagued the land in those times. The marmotfolk matrons refused, and the Land Itself cursed the city of Mirror for denying the kind and angelic Last. The air turned to salt in the lungs of the marmotfolk and as they choked over their cruelty in the streets and halls of Mirror, their personalities were burnt into its glass walls and streets, creating the City of Bone Ghosts it is today.

So, the question stands: what should the marmotfolk be like? I'll round up the poll at week's end.

And yes, I said week's end.



When you say eyeteeth do you mean incisors? Because losing the tool they carve scrim shaw with (it's with their own teeth, right?) could be a devastating blow


Or are their chisels just very toothlike, evoking a more naturalistic history gone past. I like the chubby/bearded ones btw, particularly given the mention of glaciation nearby.