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Wow! I expected this, but still ... it was unexpected. I check in, and we're over the 300 mark. There is little to say here, except: well done and welcome!

I would certainly never have written this book (yes, it is long enough to be called a book now) without your support and encouragement. Thank you.

This has been an odd week here in Korea: between teaching a summer school on top of my regular magazine job, I'm utterly exhausted. On the other hand, it looks less likely like my home will become a sea of fire, so that's not terrible. In the middle of all that, the UVG got that lovely review from Tom and Jason (name corrected 17.06.18) on Fear of a Black Dragon, and I started reviewing the editorial suggestions from Skerples, who I've hired for a high-level content editing pass. And then ... you guys. Coming through. Seriously.

Well, this ain't going to be just a thank you — that'd be rather dull. Besides being a teaser for the Dead Bridge (Area 26), which is now written, I'm also adding three sections:

1. A "Why Are You Together" section with an improved character generator — and subsequent micro character generators for later, replacement heroes (or NPCs)

(PS: yes, the layout is still temporary. The layout of every update is temporary, because I'm not touching final layout until all the text and structure are complete!)

2. A generic set of encounter and misfortune rules, because after reviewing, I realized I forgot to extract them from the individual areas. Small argh.

3. A small area on the Right Road, before reaching the Violet City itself, to give heroes an idea of what they will encounter once they leave civilization behind.
