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Welcome, patrons, to update 13!

Every sixtieth day the Grand Observer of the Rotations of the Wheels manifests precisely 217 meters due north of the third portal to hand down a Prophecy Out of Time.

Update 13 adds three areas, instead of two: the Spectrum Palace, The Iron Road, and The Ivory Plain. We are at 25 of 30, folks! The end is nigh!

Seven new illustrations done, including the Neon Ziggurat.

Added a relationship table for the NPCs.

Oh, yeah, and in case you _didn't_ notice, put out the 78-page freebie intro you can share with all your buddies.

Also lightly edited parts of the introduction, removing many references to usage dice (a mechanic too far).


Note: Yes, after the glory of the free introduction, we're back to the large workhorse format. I'm already talking with the rest of the Hydra Cooperative about how to handle the editing, layout, and publishing. In all likelihood we're looking at a hardcover middling-format book that will go into layout some time in autumn.


EDIT: the attached update of the UVG has been removed as I prepare the next project.  ***.***



Thomas McGrenery

Great timing, I'm running the third of three sessions tonight.


Oh, excellent! How has it been going so far? What's been the worst part? What have you found sorely missing?


I've just got the chance to actually flick through this... and by jove, this is amazing! Excellent work!