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Welcome to November. The days grow colder, the leaves grow redder, and I am imposing some new discipline on my UVG writing, putting 200 oddly shaped words to paper every day.

Which is great.

There is, however, also feedback I seek from you, dear heroes. My goal is to write an adventure that is inspiring but also quick to use at the table. To that end, three questions:

1. Do the "directions" sections of the location descriptions help you? I am preparing a map with travel distances and descriptors (e.g. steppe, 1 week or rough trail, 2 weeks) I could save a lot of space and time by removing the on-page directions - adding more story time with Pointyhelmet and the Band.

2. Language and notation question: I am replacing my slightly confusing *dX notation for usage dice with ∆X, because delta is cool. But I also use some other terminology that seems a bit terrible: supply slots? Inventory slots? Do you have some better words for that?

3. More languages and exegetic lore: are you interested in seeing more lore on the world of the UVG in the appendix, or do you prefer if I stick to the main text?

And again: thank you for being the inspiring heroes that you are. Here, a teaser from Fallen Umber (the picture, not the virtual dust in the air).




I’ve been taking you setting as inspiration but I want to run with these crawl rules. I’m tying to get something on the calendar. I run so many one shots that I rarely think about campaign rules.


1. I personally love the flavor text below the directions sections. It's a great quick reference, and I like piecing together the vignettes as I go. I would be fine with just the location and cardinal direction though, as long as those descriptions are still somewhere else, like in an appendix. 2). I've been referring to them simply as "slots" to my players, I don't have anything more clever. Nodes, packs, bags? I dunno, inventory slots just seems to get the job done, no frills. 3). I love the appendix and love seeing it grow, but I like that the meat of the information is in the main text, with the appendix being a closer look at history and peripheral flavor. I guess im saying I want to read about locations in the main text, and creatures/lore/history in the appendix. Keep it coming, it's amazing!


Thanks Andrew! Ad 1: I wouldn't delete them forever, but during the writing, they do make it very cumbersome to cross-reference my map several times over. Particularly because, in a fit of creative siliness, I inverted the cardinal directions on my map. Don't ask. 2 and 3 - ok, will keep in mind! :)