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Where has this month gone? I turn my head, work on some projects, and here it is, whooshing by.

For the next update, I'm tackling five desolate areas:
- The Way Stone, a graveyard of Long Long Ago machine creatures,
- The North-Facing Passage, an ancient chiseled way bathed in a death-bringing light from the south. Hence, a journey mostly undertaken in one direction. Don't look back!
- The South-Facing Passage, a gentle pastoral area, a perfect counterpoint to the savage North-Facing Passage.
- Fallen Umber, a dead kingdom's lands.
- Long Ridge, an ash-white, wind-swept grassland. Another calm, relaxing area.

- if you're a patron at the $4 or $9 dollar level, are there NPCs, items, locations, spells, or other locations you would like to see detailed more?
- if you're at any level, which of these five areas would you like to see receiving more love?

Other news:
- one of the reasons I've been slow is because I've been spending oodles of time on my #Inktober tale of Peon and Sheep. It's slow going, darnit!
- I heard from a game master who is now running the UVG, and apparently a popular NPC with the players was a necromancer cat. So now you know!




I would love some more general lore and background on the Porcelain Princes and the Spectrum Satraps! Also, the sealed gate in The Low road and the High really piqued my interest, I've been wondering what to do with it in my game. The Way Stone sounds amazing, but then again all these locations do! Keep it up, you're doing great!


More on the Porcelain Princes? But they are already so detailed! :D no, just joking. The Spectrum Satraps are coming down the line, but I'll add some more elements of them. As for the Sealed Gate - alright! I'll work in some more details on it.


I like the sound of the Long Long Ago machine creatures by the Way Stone, and the pleasant lands of the south-facing passage.