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Voyaging further along the northern route, travelers pass through the depths of a toxic biomechanical infestation and approach the holy site of the lime nomads: the grass colossus.

In this update: two major areas, four more odd sites in the wilderness, a corruption table, eight NPCs for the nomad clans, events among the nomads, and teasers of upcoming areas.


In other news! Gosh, again a month. It's been a bit rough, moving around. I always think it'll be easy, but it never is. Well. What can I say except:

Hero-level supporters! Send me the characters you want immortalized on this voyage!

Metahero-level supporters! Write to me about what kind of locations you'd like expanded upon in the point-crawl. There are still blank-ish spots on the map, why not fill them?



Robert Bersch

Every time I read these I find more stuff to love :D Only thing I can add constructively is in the experience section, raising the multiplier instead of the die (so going from x10 to x15 at lvl 2, x20 at lvl 3 etc). But thats off the top of my head.


Oh! That is a good catch, thanks! Yes, that'd be perfect actually. And it scales neatly to the levels, too. If you go with more traditional XP schemes (e.g., 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000) then having a linear increase in XP would perfectly generate slower leveling at higher levels. Damn, that is a good one. And now that I check, yes, the XP section I only use x10 throughout!