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Healslut 0.88 Release

  • Blue Ending: Philosophy and Other Bullshit 72
  • Red Ending: Low Intelligence Run 48
  • Pink Ending: Unicorn Farts 117
  • 2024-02-17
  • —2024-02-27
  • 237 votes
{'title': 'Healslut 0.88 Release', 'choices': [{'text': 'Blue Ending: Philosophy and Other Bullshit', 'votes': 72}, {'text': 'Red Ending: Low Intelligence Run', 'votes': 48}, {'text': 'Pink Ending: Unicorn Farts', 'votes': 117}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 2, 27, 21, 24, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 2, 17, 20, 28, 21, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 237}



  • 863 sprites have been re-rendered to correct character size, height, and proportion (and still more to go...)
  • The Guidance system (in-game walkthrough) is now available in the game options (please drop your feedback!)
  • Familiar/Kitty Sparkle has been made less feline in appearance (a more furry variation is planned)
  • Several (mainly sexytimes) scenes have had "wimping out" removed unless Backpedaling is enabled
  • Finally found and fixed the blanket bug for backup and milked Sparkle
  • Added the option to skip Lel's and Kayden's Mindfuck sequences


  • PC:


  • MAC:





Not a lot of meat to chew on this particular bone and I again apologize for that. I'm deep in the weeds working on the story endings but thankfully I am making some solid progress. Right now I'm working on what would be considered the most "obvious" ending (lil spoil: Sparkle returning to IRL permanently) but I haven't decided on the next ending to work on which will be in the next release (along with the aforementioned obvious ending). So why not a poll?!


I will work on the endings below in the the order determined by the poll. So the first place will be in the next update, the second place in the update after that, and then the third after that.

  • Green Ending: The "obvious" ending that is already in work.
  • Blue Ending: Hard decisions and sacrifices are made. The nature of identity and choice (themes of the story for those who skip all the dialog haha) is addressed from several perspectives. (I guess this would be the "novel" ending.)
  • Red Ending: Rage, violence, and death. This ending tests the bonds that Sparkle has made with her group and will have the most ruthless outcomes (based on Sparkle's choices).
  • Pink Ending: The most chill of the endings and one which sands off the rougher edges of the story by leaning into the humorous side of Healslut.

As a reminder, Sparkle's position/service and regard within the group will have significant impact on these endings. These are broad overviews of the story-centric endings and Sparkle can find herself in very different roles in any major ending.

Thank you for everything, friends. I'm excited to resolve the story and eager to start working on getting much more slut into Healslut. I appreciate you!



Voted Red. Don't know why, it sounds like the shittiest ending (as in the one less likely to appeal to me) but I'm curious to see how you'd make it work :)


Will the endings also factor in how sparkle behaves sexually? Would be cool if she is a slave for example that her end would fit to being a slave. Besides that, don't worry about smaller updates. As long as you keep us updated about your progress nobody will complain I think.


💯 Sparkle's status and relationships will be addressed in every ending and in the epilogue.


I want pink, but I voted red. I'm thinking this order: red, blue, oink just so that my story reward is sweeter. I think it's worth the wait.

Tyler Bledsoe

Quick question: I'm getting a bug in the "slave" route and I'm wondering if that's expected. I went with the "kitty" route, and so my character status shows Lel currently owns me; but I had done the "slave" route earlier to get Leigh back. So when we get to town, Leigh takes me to be registered, and I'm getting an error after he transforms me, which says it can't find the image "kitty-classic-stance.png" in the "gonewobble" folder. Just wondering if that was expected, or something that was meant to be working. I will also say I'm using the Android app version.


Sorry about that. I've gotten a few people reporting some issues with the Familiar/kitty route that I need to work out. I've added this to my notes and I'll get it fixed for the next release. Thanks!

Tyler Bledsoe

Ok. Just as a headsup, something similar happens if you go on the Sidequest with Panki to visit the mayor elect and you're a kitty


Oops! Thanks for letting me know, I think I totally overlooked updating that sidequest for kitty Sparkle. I'll get this fixed as well!

Tyler Bledsoe

Also final note I promise: I failed the quiz from Grawr so no magic undies, but when we got to save Lel, it still acts like I got them and asks if I want to tell the group about the undies' power. Just figured you might want to check that flag too

Tyler Bledsoe

Sorry to keep coming to you with these (hopefully I'm helping at least 😅) but I found a similar error in a different section. This run, I'm doing Leigh's slave route, along with the looter route (but not kitty), and after taking care of the thug that got away in the fight, Leigh comes to me to register my slave status. Again I'm getting the missing image error for "girl-classic-stance.png" in the "looter" folder. Also, all of these errors have been happening in the Android game; haven't tested them on PC.

Tyler Bledsoe

Oh also, I turned into a fairy for the fish quest, and when she changed back, she was regular/looter Sparkle again, not slave Sparkle


Thanks! I'll make sure to take a look at getting these fixed before the next release :)

Tyler Bledsoe

Cool. I continued playing through, and not only did she never change back to "gonwobble girl" but Leigh doesn't really act like he owns her anymore (though the status page says he does), and when the auction comes up, he doesn't say anything about me already belonging to him and Lel just bought me, making her my owner with no arguments from Leigh. On my next playthrough I'm going to do "Leigh's slave" with no looter or fairy content, and see if then maybe I'll stay in "gonwobble girl" form

Tyler Bledsoe

Sorry but another weird one (still on same playthrough). So I turned Sparkle into a bimbo, and everything was good until Lel put the pet collar on. Now Bimbo Sparkle is "zoomed in". She's like twice the size, so that her boobs are at the top of the scene and head is completely cut off. I checked, and the same doesn't happen with regular Sparkle

Tyler Bledsoe

Ok so sorry but another weird thing now lol So Lel owns me, but after getting registered, when I meet Tonii again, Leigh suddenly pops in and says I'm HIS slave (status page still shows I'm Lel's)... bunch of weird stuff going on with all this slave content it seems 😅

Nitsua MorningStr

I love the Guidance system. I've been playing all day long and loved exploring all the different transformation options. The backup futa was my favorite of all of them

Nitsua MorningStr

That totally happened to me as well. That is why I quickly changed her into a person that does not drink the potion.

Nitsua MorningStr

This is also the first time I've really played it a lot in several several months. And I'm not sure when the mindfucks were added for Lel and Kayden but they were both really moving.


I've added these to the fix list. Thanks again, it really helps!