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There isn't a lot of tangible new content in this one other than  getting in the correct scene renders for your body/variation/collar of  choice. The upcoming update will be back on track with new content. I  plan to have it released in a week or two! If you can wait (and  particularly if you're not on the free-use path) then I recommend you  skip this one. I realize that's unfair but I am working hard on making  it up to all of you right now.


  • Dinner now shows correct selected collar for each scene
  • Girl backup body poses made less 'slumpy'
  • Fixed a few lines of 'See No Evil' dialog to account for the blindfold
  • Fixed incorrect Sparkle variation showing up in slaver parlay scenes
  • Fixed futa milked body outfit inconsistencies
  • Fixed Wejit visit repeating after Sparkle getting shot
  • Fixed some cloth draping issues with the fuzzy britches outfit
  • Fixed a few issues with Panki/Panki+Lel conditional branches
  • Fixed inconsistencies with some Lel alive/dead dialogs
  • Fixed label jump that would not properly award the pirate cutlass
  • (non free-use) Ends abruptly following the after dinner chat with whomever you sat with
  • (I will add additional options to the Act 13 skip in the next release.)
  • (The bitgag not showing up in the looter outfit is a known bug. I'm still working on it.)






Android, Newer:


Android, Older:


Android, Chromebook/Simulator:




Blue Cabaret

Also, it's a bitgag not a ballgag.


You're right. I hastily put 'ball' in front of the word because that word was causing the post to get flagged for review. O.o

qu33n sissy

Maybe I'm making a wrong choice, or reading the dev log wrong, but I'm not getting a second free use dinner scene. I try on the outfits then it ends, it's that the end of the game?


No, definitely not. It sounds like an older version or a bug. Does the "About" screen read Version 0.5d? Please message me any details and we'll get this issue figured out. Thanks!


Mine is reading 0.5d but having the same issue.