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Please don't read the below if you want to play the game without spoilers! I don't mention anything specific but there is likely enough here for you to make the connections and determine the referenced characters.


My Adobe subscription lapsed. I'm either getting it fixed or I'm going to get Affinity photo so no worries there. But anyway I went to a friend's to bogart their computer for some render editing. They'd just started "The Last of Us 2" (got a copy early, the cheeky snoot!). I had my own copy on order but I figured it wouldn't hurt to watch for a few hours while I post-worked HS renders. I loved the first one so even if I got spoiled a bit at the start I'd surely still enjoy the game. Just the intro anyway, isn't it? It's supposed to be 20+ hours long. So no big deal! But I made a huge mistake. Or not, since I was actually able to cancel my order. But... I just can't believe what they've done.

I don't want to spoil it but I would ***never*** do something things like they have to the fans who play my games. Yes, I will not shy away from letting a character do something hurtful -- but I absolutely refuse to compromise them for a cheap emotional scene. Forcing a character to act contrary to their nature is lazy writing. And this isn't about *killing* a beloved character because that can definitely be done right (see The Sandman series by Neil Gaiman or The Game of Thrones **books**). This is about forcing a character to behave out of character (and in this case totally irrationally!) so that the writers can proceed to humiliate them for bogus pathos. That is what's disgusting.

So I went home and searched up the 'leaked' videos. I found out that it doesn't mean anything! The whole game serves no purpose except to make you feel sick because the people you have been made to care for are being unfairly mistreated directly because they are forced to act out of character. It might as well be "The Last Jedi" as a videogame. It feels like a bully getting hold of one of your favorite action figures to snap the limbs off just so they can watch you cry.

I know I'm ranting here. I'm sorry. I'm sure some people will like it but I can't even deal with it. What is with this trend of 'subverting expectations' by destroying the people we have come to love? I don't get it. I don't want to.

So... I just want to promise you that this sort of thing will not happen with Healslut. I don't do cheap and I don't do lazy. Anytime you feel an emotional moment while playing, please know that I have felt that moment too. Your laughs echo my own. I have felt every frustration. When your teeth grit at something Roopah says or you want to throw Kayden down the nearest well or you smile at Panki's odd mixture of innocence and deviance or you have to pause for a second because Wejit has once again proven his seemingly unshakable loyalty, I have been in that moment with you. I've made every decision you have in this story and I've paid every price as well.

I promise you that I will never spit on anyone that I have made you care for.



Totally feel ur pain comrade. Of all the ways they could have developed the game, they chose the worst way and it is not going to do any justice to the cause the r trying to portray.


Good to hear. Nothing worse than feeling that you have been toyed with emotionally for cheap effects.


one problem is thy had anita sarkeesian in on this game and that was a big red flag for me to not get it, she was also in on the game mass effect andromeda and we all know how that went 0/10, but to kill off a char, in this way is just asking for people not to buy anymore from them

Jumpy James Johnson Junior

Adopt as head-canon that Ellie goes off to live with Zoey and Rochelle-that-could-have-been and they are happy. Rochelle-that-could-have-been is the character that would have been far more popular than the Rochelle we got. The Rochelle we got was the voice of Rochelle Aytes and the face of Shanola Hampton. Find some pictures of Rochelle Aytes and a video of Shanola Hampton talking about something, and imagine the character we could have had if they'd swapped roles. Then imagine her and Zoey and Ellie having a great time on their own island somewhere, with no infected at all.

Kobold Lad

Damn, thought people were overreacting until I asked my friend who has it about what happens, they really screwed the pooch on that one. RIP to all the fans and the lesbian/bi community.

Fritz T Coyote

Dude, there is no way you will be able to hurt us players by exploiting our feelings for the characters in Healslut. Sparkle and her player are such whiney, irritating little snots that the more we play them the more we hate them. At this point feeding them feet first into a wood chipper would count as fan service! Some character development might be nice.


I totally get why you feel that way, though I don't agree that Sparkle/Simon/Simone are whinging little snots. Yes it has been a slow burn as far as character development but that's honestly in character. Have you played the latest updates? I think you'll see some noticeable hints of growth that will be built upon in subsequent updates. And thank you for being patient for so long. Please feel free to message me any concerns or suggestions if you'd like to discuss them! :)