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First of all, thank you for supporting development and thank you for patiently sticking by me while I work diligently to get these endings where I want them to be. I could never express the depth or breadth my appreciation.

Next, please keep in mind that the ending included in this update is abbreviated. There are some very important choices to make (and plenty of my trademark bloated dialog to ignore) that have not been included in this release. What you're getting is a huge leap over a good twenty or thirty minutes of prior story content that I have not included because it has spoilers and revelations that deserve to be coupled with the "good" ending.

Anyway, enough of my blathering and babbling. I hope you enjoy the bad ending to the Pink Finale and I hope you have an enjoyable and relaxing weekend. Stay hydrated, watch your posture, and keep being awesome. Thank you!



  • Added the Pink Finale Bad Ending which will continue from the meeting with HeartSpark (SparkAI)

  • Added automatic "save on quit" and "resume" for the quit save on the main menu to the game (applies to new games only but I'm working on getting it functional for existing saves)


  • Dark circle around Lel's face when she was gagged

  • In skipping, couldn't suggest to castrate Brother Other if Sparkle was a bimbo

  • Bad variable reference prevented Roopah from speaking after Sparkle's speech

  • Sparkle being owned by Leigh would be overridden by nudist registration


  • The bad ending is currently hard-coded as the route following the introduction to HeartSpark and does not currently reflect your Sparkle's actual history

  • The three "bad end" sexytimes (girl/twink/futa) will be expanded a bit more (futa route especially) in the future

  • The game credits run for a few minutes so I included a "Skip Credits" option in the upper-right corner that you should try not to click/tap/smack/slap/lick

  • (If you don't skip the game credits there are some promo images I've included at the end)

  • Images shown in the game credits are currently random but I will be updating them to tailor them to your specific playthrough

  • As always, the end isn't the end until it's the end





Awesome, can't wait to check this out

Dahlia Rose Israel

Okay but like, will we see a continuation of that after credits scene? I wants a happy resolution to that...


I've tried to imply that it's a happy ending but yes, I would like to expand it so that the resolution is unmistakable.