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Hello! First of all, thank you for still being a supporting member even though I haven't released an update in a while. I've received some nice messages (amongst the garbo) that have really served to bolster my spirit as I pour hours upon hours into getting the endings done. Honestly I had no idea the amount of work it would require and I'm really sorry that I didn't plan this out better.

Now I know this won't make for a satisfying news update, but here is a checklist of what's done and what's in-work for renders without any spoilers:

  • 6/8 renders for scene backgrounds

  • 0/2 character sprites (missing from a mid-game scene)

  • 23/34 new character sprites

  • 16/16 HeartSpark (Sparkle AI) renders

  • 25/75 renders for a quickie sexytimes

  • 4/19 renders for an endgame sexytimes (1)

  • 9/81 renders for an endgame sexytimes (2)

  • 3/54 renders for an endgame sexytimes (3)

  • 0/54 renders for an endgame sexytimes (4)

  • 0/45 renders for an endgame sexytimes (5)

  • 0/27 renders for an endgame sexytimes (6)

  • 0/27 renders for an endgame sexytimes (7)

  • 14/~90 renders for endgame final scenes

I was going to try to make a graphic with progress bars but that would take time away from development, so you get these boring bullet points instead.

I realize all those low numbers and "zero out of ##" lines look bad, but the major writing/coding is done and I have all the new character looks & outfits completed, which honestly took a lot of time because I'm very picky about hair, clothes, accessories, etc. (I spent quite a few dollaridoos at the Daz shop). These numbers will start to fill in pretty fast now that I'm focused exclusively on scene composition.

Composition takes, on average, around one to two hours per scene. Rendering takes an average of about half an hour. Postwork takes about twenty to thirty minutes. I've been putting in at least 2 hours and as much as 14 hours per day (depending on work and necessary human self-maintenance). Today I've put in a little over 5 hours so far.

But trying to estimate the time it'll take for these renders is impossible. Rarely can I switch out a variation or body type and simply re-render the scene. And usually I have to compose entirely separate scenes for Sparkle's three major body types, which vary in complexity. Sometimes I see something amiss in the postwork phase and then have to do partial or even whole re-renders. (It also doesn't help that it's really getting hot as heck outside and my room becomes a sweltering sweatbox while the GPU is screaming.) On top of all this, these are the final scenes in the game and I really want them to be the best ones yet.

But anyway, I will be posting these bullet points twice a week, probably Tuesdays and Fridays, along with any additional news. That way you can see that I'm making progress and I can feel like I've done what I can to keep you updated without spoiling any surprises. I'll also add the updated changelog and bugfixes (sans spoilers) with each news post for transparency:



  • Writing and coding has been completed for all non-sexytimes dialog/narration

  • Added automatic "save on quit" and "resume" for the quit save on the main menu (suggestion & code sent from a fan)


  • Dark circle around Lel's face when she was gagged

  • In skipping, couldn't suggest to castrate Brother Other if Sparkle was a bimbo

  • Bad variable reference prevented Roopah from speaking after Sparkle's speech

  • Sparkle being owned by Leigh would be overridden by nudist registration


Thank you so much for your support. Please pause/cancel your pledge if you need to before the end of the month. I appreciate you.




Keep up the good work. We will support you all the way through ❤️


All part of wrapping it up, but still living in the real world. Can't wait for more sexy times with my favorite, sexy, four-armed human. Hopefully she'll have new under-roos.

Chris Mobberley

Love your work. You could do a FAQ sometime I love to know the process and the lesson you take if you do a next game.