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Due to the update in Adobe Photoshop terms, which allows Adobe and its partners to use anyone's work for AI training and generation ( https://lifehacker.com/tech/photoshops-terms-of-service-demands-the-right-to-your-content ), I am going to be using Affinity Photo for creation, editing, and postwork.

I'm letting you all know this because it is going to slow me down a bit as I learn Affinity Photo's interface and adjust my process to compensate for the differences in software. I had about a dozen actions/macros in Photoshop that I have made over the years that really helped my flow that hopefully I can recreate.

While I'm making this change primarily because I am 100% against using the hard work of creative people to fuel regurgitation engines (to profit by this company which I am already paying a subscription), I'm also concerned with Adobe's overreach in "moderating" creative content. The terms state that Adobe will vet user content, both mechanically and manually. This means that even content created under an NDA will go to Adobe. It also means that anything (even a medical doctor's records) will be reviewed by Adobe.

Can you imagine having the sexy pics you took of yourself to send to your significant other being "reviewed" by random people from anywhere in the world? How about getting thrown in jail because you can't prove the age of a character you drew? Will Adobe help when you're getting blackmailed or impersonated by someone due to leaked personal data or photos?

Anyway, enough ranting. I just wanted to let you all know both that I will need some time to readjust and I wanted to inform you all of this issue if you yourself use any Adobe products.

I'll have another post on game development out very soon (with a wallpaper edited in Affinity Photo).



Thanks for sharing this! I didnt know this :O


So... it's sudokus that give access to the nukes? Then I needn't worry; Biden's never gonna solve one, I trust :D