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Hey everyone, here's the finished version of Vex!

I wanted to make a different point of view from that Elven Bath scene I painted many months ago (with Keyleth and Deedlit, where Vex appear in the background). And wanted to keep it consistent with the other image, an overall similar distribution of elements in the background etc.

So I hope you guys like it!



Peter Chan

Welcome back


Omg I feel so silly, I never could figure out who the fourth character was in that scene. Vex makes so much sense lol


What’s she from? Usually, when I hear the name Vex, I’m thinking of the thieves’ guild member from Skyrim.


Well done!!!

Lucas Bechtol

So, we got Keyleth in the lake with Deedlit, we Vex now. So... when are we going to get Pike? Finish off the Vox Machina trio with the cutest one?