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Hey everyone, here's a small update on what's going on and a few changes coming down the road.

- First of, I'm alive and well, long story short it was a holiday around here on friday so I took the day off to sit back turn my brain off a bit and re-evaluate things to make some "quality of life" changes.

- Aloy and Seyka image is in production, and will be posted this week. To avoid confusion to the people joining this month seeing an image being posted almost halfway through the month, I'll be including it on this month's rewards as well. 

- I'll be posting Purah preview later today. 

- Now here's some changes coming up to the polls. 


What and why is changing?

I want to have more flexibility in the creative process. 

There's months with a lot of external factors (internet trends, a lot of annoucements on social media, etc) where I simply don't have room to do those things because of the current poll structure.   

Over the years there's been a lot of social media trends that I wanted to participate (such as "paint your OCs doing X or Y") but I simply couldn't because there was no room in the month to re-arrange the images. By the time I could fit the image in the schedule, the trend was long gone. 

So the idea is to change the "monthly pin-up slot" to a "next in line" system. Where I'd have a "queue line" of pin-ups voted by you and whenever it's possible to paint them, I'd simply pick the next in line and paint it.

You can check the image above: 

1st image

  • The poll would be 8 choices (those are just examples that I already had the images)

2nd image

  • the top voted would be "next in line" to be painted.
  • the bottom 2 options would be removed from the next poll.

3rd image

  • after Urbosa is painted, the 2nd in line would automatically be promoted to "the next in line" to be painted.
  • on the new month Yuzuriha got +18 votes compared to her previous "highest score", so she got bumped to 3rd place in line.
  • Morrigan only got +5 votes compared to her previous "highest score", so she got down to 4th place in line.
  • 3 new options for the poll.
  • the total votes would never go down. If a character has 450 votes in one month, 432 in another, it's score would still be 450. This is to prevent a situation where a character keeps bouncing up and down in the middle of the poll.

A few considerations

- Trending/flavor of the month characters wouldn't be included on the poll. Since this new system is made exactly to allow me to join trends and "paint things that are hot", there would be no need for those to be included in the polls. Also there's the benefit of them not "dominating the poll" 

- This would allow me to participate on trends with Iris and Maya. Anyone that follow artists on twitter or instagram knows that every so often there's some cool/sexy/funny trends where artists paint their OCs in specific situations/clothing etc. 

This is the "official" announcement of the change, since it was discussed on the discord server a few days ago and people were very receptive of the new system. 

The idea is to start with the new system by the end of this month. 

Anyway, if you have questions, feel free to ask them bellow, I'll do my best to respond them. 




Sounds like a neat system, though it might be a pain to track the max votes for certain characters across multiple months. But I like the idea, sometimes a character came in second one month, then the next they come in last because a hot/trending character joined in. Should keep things more consistent.


Glad to see you officially introducing the new system and I can’t wait to see which character gets top spot for the first month (pls let it be Panam😅).


Whenever I hear “more Iris & Maya” I’m happy! 🥰


I'm very happy with the change! I like that you're trying to improve the polling. Ngl I was also feeling kinda disappointed that you were missing on the trends. I'd still love it if you make your version of ''she wants to order'' meme with Maya and Iris :D


sounds great to me!


Personally, I’d be happy with anything that gives us more Iris & Maya. Seriously Krys, paint what you like, when you like. Most of us would still be here without the monthly polls.


Sounds great too, but won't there be too recurring characters ?


to be honest it's just a "little" work, to keep track of the previous votes, but nothing really problematic =D


lol, hopefully this allows me to make more images of them. It's been hard to squeeze them in lately =o


yeah, it was one of those "minor annoyances" over the years that started to pile up to turn into a real frustration. So I hope it's an improvement in that regard =)


thanks, I still think it's great to have input from the patreons. It gives people images to look for. But yeah, it was definitely clashing with the "timing" of other images in some months.


While that does allow me to paint more characters that are trending, I don't have any plans to join ALL TRENDS lol. So rest assured I'll keep it in mind characters that might appear too often =D


I'm still organizing the line up. It's more about the meme that she came in second several times =D


Oh dude I know😅 can’t wait to see who you come up with.

D Banks

I am down with this system are commissions closed with you?\


yes, I don't really do comissions, since I can't fit anything else on my schedule