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Hey everyone, before we close this month, here's the last image that will be created on December pack, Kida Voyeur!

It's always cool to make those stylized characters on my style and see how I can bring them to life.

Hope you guys like it! 


Also, I was clearing up the timeline of older informative posts, and those previews posts end up creating a lot of uncessary clutter for new people that want to browse previous months.

So in order to clear up the timeline here on patreon a bit, and make it easier for people to browse the actual goods, the "preview post" will simply be later edited to include the final image. (similar to how the Iris series are made, that I simply include each image on the initial post)

You'll still be notified of the final image being posted, don't worry! It will just be a single post for each image from now.




I have no emotional or nostalgic attachment to this movie (never saw it when I was younger and haven't since then), which I feel is necessary context for the fact that this piece is amazing, even by your usual standards. You've gotten better and better at the emotional density and subtlety of your voyeur scenes, and while I know at this point I sound like a broken record, the depth here is excellent. Great work!


I'm glad to hear it, I think it can be really cool to show a connection between the characters. In some images it works really well =D


There's something about the rigidity of Milo's posture that shows his adorkableness perfectly! Lol! I love it!