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Hey everyone, as some of you might have noticed, the schedule has been a little "weird" lately.

Truth is, the model we had for all those years is not exactly working for me anymore, and I tried some different changes over recent months but at the end, it didn't really adress the issues.

A few issues that are affecting my "quality of life" in terms of working:

1) Images have varying degrees of complexity, and while I have a general idea of how long they might take it, there’s often extra days in the process due to parts taking more time than initially planned. Eve for example took 8 days to be completed, while the usual pin-up tends to take 5, 6 at most.

2) This causes a few problems:

  • The extra days have to come from somewhere, which might force me to simplify the next image to compensate, which is not ideal. Or worse, to cut images from the schedule.

  • Me having to squeeze a lot of extra work in the final week of the month to make sure the images are finished by the deadline. 

3) The pin-up poll is REALLY not working for me anymore. I tried changing it a few months ago, but honestly it didn't fix the issue. Painting the pin-ups choosen by the polls became more of a chore than something I look foward to.

4) Iris and Maya are not getting as much attention as I wanted to give them. I have something like 8 or so "ideas" that are on hold for months.

5) Due to the monthly deadlines, I'm not having a lot of room to create different projects.  Basically I'm painting pin-ups or voyeurs back to back.

With those problems in mind, here's what I'm changing

The current Patreon structure: 

  • 1 pack per month

  • 3 - 4 images per pack (1 image is always a voyeur)

    images with multiple characters or Iris Series count as 2 images. 

  • rewards are sent via message around the 5th day of each month

  • pin-up poll decided by patrons

  • voyeur poll decided by patrons.

The NEW Patreon structure:

  • 1 term = 3 images (1 image is always a voyeur)

    images with multiple characters or Iris Series count as 2 images

  • Once a term is finished, the rewards will be sent via message (there won't be a fixed date for this)

  • pin-up poll is removed

  • voyeur poll decided by patrons.

  • Extra content*

*What is this Extra Content? 

Basically any content that is not exactly the final image. Iris and Maya comic strips, tests, random ideas, behind the scenes things. Those would not count towards the "final rewards" but more of additional things.

Other details:

  • I'll re-name the past months to include the "term #" on each of them.

  • The pinned post will feature both the "current billing" images and the next ones coming up to avoid confusion.

  • Most of the content will remain unchanged. There will still be fanarts and pin-ups of characters, there simply won't be "pin-up polls anymore"


I'm not a machine. Some images will naturally take more time, recent images are having a LOT more details and complexity than images I made a few years ago, and being 100% honest, I don't want to sacrifice quality "just to make a deadline".

The past week instead of having a blast making Eve, I was constantly thinking "damn, this is taking too long, I still have to finish the voyeur, I still need to think about the image, I need to go through dozens of suggestions for the pin-ups etc"

And this made me realize, this is not the right mentality to work.

And I also want to do "other things" that don't exactly fit the "pin-up/voyeur" model, but whenever I think on spending time with those things, I know that spending 1-2 days doing random tests etc means it's 1-2 days that I'll have to compensate by the end of the month.



Draw whatever makes you excited! Happy to just be along for the ride...


I’m glad you are doing more to take care of yourself! I’m here for your beautiful art regardless of the schedule! 💖

Jumbo Humbo

I'm just happy to be able to see your art often! Do whatever allows your creativity to flow, and I'm sure we'll enjoy it just the same, maybe more.