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Hello everyone, I have uploaded a new video to the google drive link below. Still currently working on the new scene, but please do enjoy this alternative version! For those of you with Virt a mate who would like to view this scene in VR, the link is also below.

Unfortunately, the red haired model keeps glitching out halfway through the scene, so unfortunately I cannot use her. Perhaps when I get better with the program, ill be able to use her in future videos, so sorry about that!

Video link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/15RX_WXvuQfwxlz4TJEzu1ayCwq97MOD8/view?usp=sharing

VAM Link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1GL2PLxqWoTJKuG_juUrKqXvhEMO7T3QU?usp=sharing




While anyone can do anything better at any given time, your usage of timeline for the niche you fill in this community is unparalleled. I think most users of VaM (I could be wrong though) learn how to swap appearance presets early on in the program. There is a huge list of settings/parameters for any given model so inconsistency with this program is to be expected to some extent. Also, quality takes time. Thanks for the update


Thank you for the kind words! I'm also learning how to use a host of new plugins to make the animations more realistic, so I think the wait will be worth it :)