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Hello Patrons! After many, many hours I have finally completed Part 2! 

Over 30 min long, its quite the cinematic experience!

Please use the google drive link below to download the scene plus dependencies. Recommended settings are HIGH plus try to use this fps plugin to increase framerate :)I look forward to hearing what you all think!

Also, please please inform me if there is a glitch or an error in the scene, I tried my best to make it run flawlessly. 

Updated Drive Link:  


Also, if you have access to this fluid pack, I highly recommend you place it on her...





Will you be doing a video capture of your scene?


I can see you took great detail in animating, love the small details like the eyebrow raises, eye movement, expressions, lots of attention to detail to drawing you in to the setting and making it believable. The only errors I want to point out is the typo "You must to exactly what I say", and the 2nd thing is not an error per se, but shortly after when she slaps with the toy (awesome idea btw, among many others in this scene!) I didn't realize there was text the first time I went through the scene, during that part as it was a bit obscured by the toy from the perspective (maybe just change the position on that text closer to the center for "You will be punished"). Fantastic job!


Thank you! Ah okok i see, ill try to fix these soon :)


Where do you put the mofme.assetbundle in the directory for the scene to be able to load it properly?


You place the var file in your addonpack folder, and load the scene from the package manager :)

Johnathan Black

I had an issue during the dildo scene on the bed. She lost position and then vanished.


Huh...thats strange, have you tried reloading the scene? The entire animation is divided into 42 scenes that you can access via timeline plugin. Jumping to the scene however, will cause bodies to tumble and twist, and some scenes break if not used one after the other. A good starting point would be right before she throws you on the bed!


How I can open the file?


You place the var file in your addonpack folder, and load the scene from the package manager :)


Incredible work, hope you do more blowjob scenes as well. Your first release was god tier for me.


I have no VR program or equipment, mac user. Looking forward to a video release hopefully?


Thank you! Currently not, but i may implement such a function in the future. For now, simply pause animation and save the scene at your desired point, so you can reload it in the future!


This is great, but for some reason her toys don't load in at all. Help?


You're missing dependencies, look at the dependencies file and search for the ones with toys referenced and download them from the hub (or the patreon links inside the hub)


Hey there, great content but the paid version is not working for me! I click the "wake up" button and the animation never starts, i downloaded all the dependencies I believe


When I possess the head and the body starts walking then the head stays in place and makes a freakshow of the body. Is this normal for VAM or a setting I need to change? Brand new to this VR thing btw and love what I see so far.


Oh nonono dont use that possess function. Go into the plugins for the male character, go to passenger plugin, and activate it. Make sure roration lock is on as well!


can someone explain how do I apply the fluid pack? I got it into sharedassets, but how to actually add it is beyond me. Even pointing me towards the correct half-hour tutorial would be great


If you have the fluid pack, try to load it from the package manager, then go into clothing while selecting the female character, and load it from there. It might take a bit to find!


Holy flickering, is there something wrong with the lights in this scene? It happened in the demo with the blonde and still happens with the paid version with the Yenn model. Her face and model flicker unsmoothly between two light presets or something


Strange, sounds like an issue with the fireplace light source since it flickers. Try messing with the Unity ambient light settings in scene lighting, since this is not a issue anyone else has spoken about.