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I've finally finished a scene that I have been working on for a few months, and I've decided to share it for free to see what people think :)

Please use this link to access the scene for free!:

I have put in quite a few weeks into this project, so I hope its something you all enjoy. Please be sure to use headphones to enjoy the background music and sound effects!
And be sure to follow me here for more content!

This is an scene where you are a captured prisoner of war, and while most of your village was destroyed, you were spared for some reason...and now you hear a voice calling out for you...




How can I see the Video ?


Please read the newest post. Currently content is paused due to issue with patreon. Should be resolved by the end of the week, so please be patient, thanks!


Took me a bit to figure out how to get this working (had to update the timeline plugin in the .var file to Acidbubble's latest). This is my favorite scene in VaM hands down. The slow timing and build up to the dialogue and actions in the scene... the part where you start running away and she controls you with magic, OMG! This is literally what VaM was made for, being controlled by magic is something I haven't even been able to produce in my dreams, but has always been something I've wanted to experience, and this is the closest thing. Really well done.. amazing work.


Thank you! Most VAM scenes don't have sound and/or story which really doesn't make the experience immersive enough. Hopefully as I make more of these ill just get better and better at providing an immersive experience :)


True, but I think atmospheric music and text are a nice compromise and you knocked it out of the park with this one. The only thing I would suggest is a menu somewhere to allow for jumping to a part of the scene more quickly on 2nd viewings (although I'd say if it can't be easily done then don't worry about it).


Fantastic scene! Eagerly waiting for the second part.


I'm new to VAM, and I have no idea how to get to the pov of the guy properly, like I possess the dude but he starts walking away and his head starts getting dragged back to where my head is. Is there a tutorial for doing this somewhere?