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The kobolds built it, and the kobolds took it back

Surprise everyone! We're returning to Zahuatil Ruins for a kobold-centric epilogue. Discord user AdventureTim gave us the idea to release a "restored" version of Zahuatil Ruins, and we thought it was a stellar idea. And so, here's Zahuatil Reclaimed! 

NOTE: We are hard at work on Zahuatil Ruins: Definitive Edition, but it'll take some time to get the Foundry module and full borough guide completed. Keep your eyes peeled for that in April!

Borough Guide

This guide provides an epilogue for your Zahuatil Ruins adventures. Regardless of your players actions, there is a strongly likelihood that the indigenous kobolds will someday take the ruins back, assert it as their true home, and transform the false temple complex into a jungle paradise. We give you everything you need to run adventures in New Zahuatil, whether your players want to help tackle bounties for the kobolds, exterminate some lingering mimics, or play as kobolds rangers on a monster hunt.


We're thrilled to introduce you all to the newest member of our team! Amber of Amber's Atlas will be providing new variants for Borough Bound maps. Expect some extra cool new versions of maps in the future. Their first venture for BB was to create this bold new look for Zahuatil Ruins. Gone is the gaudy ship in the tree, the massive fallen log, and the oodles of traps. This is the "ancient" temple complex in full glory!

You already have access to plenty of modular dungeon assets, so we figured we'd give you some actual lived-in rooms this time. Matt created three kobold chambers that your player can step into: a sand bath, kitchen, and meeting hall. Interior maps are available to all of our patrons at the Chief Courier and up.


Kobolds are all about vibes, man. Our track for this release is "Evening in the Ruins," a groovy jungle tune perfect for nighttime hangs with the kobold bros. If it's even more of a low-key affair, throw on the "Moonlight" variant for an ultimate chill mood.


Get this week's files below!

Delivery Kid

Zahuatil Reclaimed - Delivery Kid Rewards 

General Messenger

Zahuatil Reclaimed - General Messenger Rewards 

Chief Courier

Zahuatil Reclaimed - Chief Courier Rewards 


This week's map variations:




Hey gang, love this series! Any update on when the definitive version for Zahuatil will be available? Importing straight into Foundry would save me a bunch of time.

Borough Bound

We will be getting the Definitive Edition out ASAP! Just finalizing the Foundry module right now.