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That's not a vampire...

Happy Halloween, and welcome to the final release of Sootwyn Barrow! With this bundle of content, we bring the adventure to a stunning finale: the site of this climax is the "Vampire King" Vasile Albescu's Tomb. Let's check out what's inside!

NOTE: We're nearly finished with Gruuk Jit'Jit Definitive Edition, and we'll be rushing to get Sootwyn Barrow DE done as quickly as possible as well. We're extremely grateful for your patience.

Borough Guide

This guide is all about the tomb. Learn about the secrets notes stashed away on the roof, the divine cairn hidden behind its facade, and the legendary mace buried in the poppies. Once you enter the tomb, there are a slew of horrors awaiting. The greatest threat of all is the true villain, the embodiment of the Sootwyn Stain: Vasile Albescu. He's certainly not the vampire your players will be expecting. To discover the nightmarish reality, you'll have to read through our guide!


The gothic tomb sits atop the eponymous barrow. The roofs will undoubtedly have scores of skeletan archers shooting down at anyone approaching, making for the perfect battle arena. James really went out of his way to ensure that rooftop combat will be tactical and exciting. Variant maps let you run this as a gorgeous pleasasnt manor if you so choose.

In lieu of normal interior maps for this release, we've provided a bundle of modular dungeon assets! Rearrange these room tiles however you like, add doors, ladders, and staircases, and boom! New dungeon layout every time your players advance through the night. We wanted to give you maximal control to make sure you can run your Sootwyn Barrow adventures however you please.


Come on, you knew we had to give you more frantic boss music. "Abomination" is one of the most chaotic tracks we've ever released. Pounding, distorted drums accompany menacing strings melodies and bizarre ostinati. You really want to set this track aside and save it for only the most hectic of battles. (Say, for example, the final battle with Vasile).

Our variant track this week brings the intensity way down. The "(Creepy)" variant is perfect for slow and unsettling dungeon crawling. Throw this on while your party traipses through the modular dungeon you've built them.


Get this week's files below!

Delivery Kid

Sootwyn Barrow 03 - The Tomb - Delivery Kid Rewards 

General Messenger

Sootwyn Barrow 03 - The Tomb - General Messenger Rewards 

Chief Courier

Sootwyn Barrow 03 - The Tomb - Chief Courier Rewards 


This week's map variations:




Hey! Love this set, I'm just new and wondering if the definitive edition will include a full map that lays everything out on a larger scale?

Borough Bound

Yes absolutely! We will always release every city as a Definitive Edition after everything is fully released and edited.