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Whenever we post new content it'll be added to this post. This is the post for the Chief Courier ($7 for early birds, $10 after that) Rewards. You can head here whenever a new borough is released to grab the zip files directly.

Map Assets

Vehicles, Gargoyles, Statues, Graves, Tables and Chairs, Foliage, Roofs, Tools and Tableware, Rocks


Hauthell 01 - A Marriage of Families - Content Zip 

Elseridge Academy

Elseridge Academy 01 - On the Precipice - Content Zip

Elseridge Academy 02 - Life at the Academy - Content Zip

Elseridge Academy 03 - The Old Magic - Content Zip

Elseridge Academy 04 - Practical and Catastrophic - Content Zip

Elseridge Academy 05 - Druidry - Content Zip

Elseridge Academy 06 - Divinity - Content Zip

Elseridge Academy 07 - Cosmology - Content Zip 

Elseridge Academy 08 - Unusual Grounds - Content Zip 

Elseridge Academy 09 - Alternative Educations - Content Zip 

Elseridge Academy 10 - Alchemy - Content Zip 


Full City: Illustrations, Borough Guide,  Foundry JSON (with Levels module), Foundry JSON (without Levels module), VTT Tokens, Full Map, Desert Map, Desert No Carnival Map, Winter Map, Styx Map, Forest Map, Bonus Content

Brimspur 01 - The Infernal Crossroads - Content Zip, Interior Maps

Brimspur 02 - A Menagerie of Monsters - Content Zip, Interior Maps

Brimspur 03 - The Hellcrossing Carnival - Content Zip, Interior Maps


The LIMINARC 01 - The Relativistic Caravan - Content Zip

The LIMINARC 02 - Postal Power - Content Zip

The LIMINARC 03 - Any Which Way - Content Zip

The LIMINARC 04 - Economies of Scale - Content Zip


Full City: Illustrations, Borough Guide, Foundry JSON (with Levels module), Foundry JSON (without Levels module), VTT Tokens, Full Map, No Ships Map, Low Tide Map, Summer Map, Shadowfell Map, Bonus Content

Yllmourne 01 - Boom and Bust - Content Zip

Yllmourne 02 - Murders and Maladies - Content Zip

Yllmourne 03 - Soused and Scuppered - Content Zip

Yllmourne 04 - Volumes and Villainy - Content Zip

Yllmourne 05 - Isles and Infamy - Content Zip


Full City: Illustrations, Borough Guide, Foundry JSON (with Levels module), Foundry JSON (without Levels module), VTT Tokens, Autumn Map, Winter Map, Spring Map, Summer Map, Bonus Content

Ithivellia 01 - The Mycelial Gate - Content Zip

Ithivellia 02 - Six Thrones - Content Zip

Ithivellia 03 - What Grows - Content Zip

Ithivellia 04 - Twiceborn - Content Zip

Ithivellia 05 - Song and Dance - Content Zip, Collaborator Content Zip

Ithivellia 06 - Closure - Content Zip

Zahuatil Ruins

Full City: Illustrations, Borough Guide, Foundry JSON (with Levels module), Foundry JSON (without Levels Module), VTT Tokens, Full Map, Rebuilt Variant, Shadowfell Variant, Desert Variant, Bonus Content

Zahuatil Ruins 01 - The Adventurer's Paradise - Content Zip, Interior Maps

Zahuatil Ruins 02 - The Adventurer's Purgatory - Content Zip

Zahuatil Ruins 03 - The Adventurer's Peril - Content Zip, Interior Maps Pt. 1, Interior Maps Pt. 2

Zahuatil Ruins 04 - The Adventurer's Purpose - Content Zip

Zahuatil Reclaimed - Content Zip


Full City: Illustrations, Borough Guide, Foundry JSON (with Levels module), Foundry JSON (without Levels Module), VTT Tokens, Full Map, Green Variant, Bonus Content

Falthringor 01 - Displaced - Content Zip

Falthringor 02 - Fortified - Content Zip

Falthringor 03 - Assembled - Content Zip

Falthringor 04 - Beyond - Content Zip

Sootwyn Barrow

Full City: Illustrations, Borough Guide, Foundry JSON (with Levels module), Foundry JSON (without Levels module), VTT Tokens, Full Map, Misty Variant, Pleasant Variant

Sootwyn Barrow 01 - The Stain - Content Zip

Sootwyn Barrow 02 - The Cemetery - Content Zip

Sootwyn Barrow 03 - The Tomb - Content Zip

Gruuk Jit'Jit

Full City: Illustrations, Borough Guide, Foundry Zip, Foundry JSON (with Levels module), Foundry JSON (without Levels module), VTT Tokens, Full Map, Sunset Variant, Cloudy Variant, Landed Variant, Snow Variant, Sea Variant

Gruuk Jit'Jit 01 - Lifted - Content Zip

Gruuk Jit'Jit 02 - Coming and Going - Content Zip

Gruuk Jit'Jit 03 - In League - Content Zip

Gruuk Jit'Jit 04 - Chaos in the Skies - Content Zip

Gruuk Jit'Jit 05 - Elemental Unshackled - Content Zip

Gruuk Jit'Jit 05.5 - The Co. - Content Zip

Gruuk Jit'Jit 06 - Secrets of the Sauna - Content Zip

Gruuk Jit'Jit 07 - Staying Afloat - Content Zip, Collaborator Content Zip

Gruuk Jit'Jit 08 - The Elves - Content Zip

Gruuk Jit'Jit 09 - Fort Vaulter - Content Zip

Gruuk Jit'Jit In Space - Content Zip (hi-res maps: original, asteroid, storm)


Full City: Illustrations, Borough Guide, Foundry Zip, Foundry JSON (with Levels module), Foundry JSON (without Levels module), VTT Tokens, Full Map

Muc-Mhara 01 - Where the Snàmh Ùra Can Breathe Like Fae - Content Zip

Muc-Mhara 02 - Shallow Fae and the Council of Contracts - Content Zip

Muc-Mhara 03 - Into the Trench - Content Zip

Muc-Mhara 04 - Toward the Depths - Content Zip

Muc-Mhara 05 - Abyssal Fae and the Ambergris Coven - Content Zip

Muc-Mhara 06 - Scamhóga - Content Zip


Full City: Illustrations, Borough Guide, Foundry ZIP, Foundry JSON, VTT Tokens, Full Map 

Thestwick 01 - Reclamation - Content Zip

Thestwick 02 - The Old Ways - Content Zip

Thestwick 03 - Reeds and Peat - Content Zip

Thestwick 04 - Irredeemable - Content Zip

Thestwick Holiday Special - Content Zip (hi-res maps: Winter Day, Festive Day, Festive Night)


Full City: IllustrationsBorough Guide, Foundry Zip, Foundry JSON, VTT Tokens, Full Map

Crabwell 01 - The Omniphone - Content Zip

Crabwell 02 - The Scriveners - Content Zip

Crabwell 03 - The Bellringer - Content Zip

Crabwell 04 - The Trouble to Come - Content Zip

Crabwell - The Final Feast Day - Content Zip (hi-res maps: Festive Day, Festive Night, Winter Day, Winter Night, Massacre Day, Massacre Night)


Full City: Illustrations, Borough Guide, Foundry Zip, Foundry JSON, VTT Tokens, E+ Module, E+ NPCs

Vyndurvoht 01 - Duty and Exodus - Content Zip

Vyndurvoht 02 - Text and Ink - Content Zip

Vyndurvoht 03 - Secrets and Steel - Content Zip

Vyndurvoht 04 - Darkness and Sacrifice - Content Zip

Ancora Bay

Full City: Illustrations, Borough Guide, Foundry Zip, Foundry JSON, VTT Tokens, E+ Module, E+ NPCs, Full Map

Ancora Bay 01 - The Sinking Mountaintop Port - Content Zip

Ancora Bay 02 - The Conservatory and the Consortium - Content Zip

Ancora Bay 03 - The Sinking Slums - Content Zip

Ancora Bay 04 - Profligate Cemetery and the Splintered - Content Zip

Ancora Bay 05 - Corian Headquarters - Content Zip

Ancora Bay 06 - The Renforth and the Black Pit - Content Zip

Ancora Bay 07 - The Pink Quarter - Content Zip

Ancora Bay 08 - Halfling Village - Content Zip


Full City: Illustrations, Borough Guide, Foundry Zip, Foundry JSON, VTT Tokens, E+ Module, E+ NPCs, Full Map

Kadhizi 01 - Cal's Prison - Content Zip

Kadhizi 02 - Merfolk, Drugs, Sports, and Treasure - Content Zip

Kadhizi 03 - Art, Chance, and Echoes of the Past - Content Zip

Kadhizi 04 - The Lampists and the Observatory - Content Zip


Full City: Illustrations, Borough Guide, VTT Tokens, Foundry Zip, Foundry JSON, E+ Module, E+ NPCs, E+ Frogs, Full Map, Snow Variant

Meddenfirth 01 - West Gate - Content Zip

Meddenfirth 02 - The Un-Forge - Content Zip

Meddenfirth 03 - The Drawbridge - Content Zip

Meddenfirth 04 - East Gate - Content Zip

Meddenfirth 05 - Scenes from the West - Content Zip 

Spring Cleaning

Spring Cleaning 01


Belciennes - Content Zip



Daniel Chan

The Foundry JSON for Thestwick results in a "did not provide module manifest data" error. Assuming this is known and being fixed, could I download the Foundry Zip and manually swap-in its contents for the module? Are they identical?

Borough Bound

Hey Daniel! The Thestwick module got totally screwed by a couple of compatability issues. We're just finishing up a new version that we're releasing tomorrow (April 7). If you don't mind waiting, we should have the issue sorted out for you!

Daniel Chan

Yes, I can wait. Thanks for the timely resolution! (Timely for me, I know. I hope not too bad for anyone else.)

David Ford

Any chance for a variant of a variant? I'm trying to use the nebula variant for a city in limbo, and while the colors are nice they are a bit too vibrant. A version with the green and yellow toned down, particuarly over the useable space, would keep the chaotic limbo vibe without being hard to read


Hello. as a Chief Courier, do i need to download all the content from all the links in this page? or the module installation for foundry include every content for each content?

Borough Bound

Hey Luigi! You will get MOST of the content by just nabbing the assets from the Foundry modules, though you will miss out on a few pieces of content. Notably: • We do not make "full" maps of every variant. Thus, some variant maps are only accessible via the individual zip files. • We typically do not include collaborator content (bonus maps, tokens, music, etc) in the Foundry modules • The Foundry modules only include the looping versions of the tracks, so if you want the "standard" versions of the music (with proper intros and outros), you'll need to download those separately as well.


Hey all. Sorry if I've missed it, but is there a guide to properly download the maps in fvtt? I'm new to pre-built maps.

Borough Bound

You bet! The short answer is just copy and paste the Foundry JSON link into the add-on modules page. The longer as is the following: 1. Click Add-On Modules 2. Click Install Module 3. Copy and paste the link for the Foundry JSON (with Levels module) and click Install 4. Click Game Worlds 5. Click Create World 6. Give the game world a title, and select a game system 7. Click Create World 8. Launch the world you just created 9. Select User -> Gamemaster 10. Join Game Session 11. Click Game Settings (gears in the upper right) 12. Click Manage Modules 13. Select "Borough Bound - [borough name] Levels" 14. Click Yes 15. Click Save Module Settings 16. Click Yes 17. Click Compendium Packs (the book in the upper right) 18. Click "[borough name] - Adventure (Levels)" in the Adventure tab 19. Click [borough name] and then "Import Adventure" 20. Click Scenes (the unfolder map icon in the upper right 21. Right click one of the scenes and then click "View Scene" Please note that there are some variations you might experience depending on which borough you're using and which version of Foundry you have installed.


Vyndurvoht is missing the Full map link

Borough Bound

There is no full map for Vyndurvoht, because that borough features multiple levels instead of one large seamless map.


I'm probably just a dummy and missing something, but I'm a little confused if there are full map versions (we'll use Brimspur for an example) for each variant as a whole file? Or is the expectation just to splice them together through each 01, 02, 03 Chief Courier zip maps? All I am finding (unless I am just missing something) are the standard variants of the full maps.

Borough Bound

Many full variant maps are available for each borough! Make sure you're browsing through the hyperlinks in the body of the post, and not those loose files dangling at the bottom. Brimspur's maps, for examples, are linked in the "Full City" part of the Brimspur header. You'll see "Full Map, Desert Map, Desert No Carnival Map, Winter Map, Styx Map, Forest Map." Those all link to high res jpgs of the "stitched together" maps.

Brian Clymer

I have added the Brimspur Foundry JSON (without Levels Module) to Foundry without issue. The only maps that are imported with the compendium are the variants of the Hi-Res full map. For the interior maps of Brimspur, would I, then, need to load each interior map into Foundry and create my own links to appropriate interior map scenes?

Borough Bound

Hey Brian! All of our interiors maps are fully implemented in the version of our Foundry module that includes Levels. That's pretty much the main difference between the two different Foundry module formats we use. You certainly can add the interior maps individually, but it would be far easier to simply use the version with Levels.

Brian Clymer

Thank you. I run a TON of modules and want to avoid adding more, but eh, what the heck? Levels it is!


Is the Foundry Zip down as it is not working for me?


I love the artwork so much, is it possible to get the artwork embedded in the PDF as separate files? All this great design is only half as good if I cant give my players handouts! Things like the unforge image or the character artwork would be fantastic to show people


Yup! This! I was snipping them out in paint.net, but having them as separate files makes a bunch of sense!


Will the E+ Full City module be uploaded soon?

Shane Williams

Just checking out the FoundryVTT module, is it possible to add a scene that's entirely built (ie one map)?

Borough Bound

Hey Shane! We've tried to make it work, but thus far, the map is simply too large for Foundry to handle. It's definitely a goal of ours, but until we can figure out a workaround, we won't be able to create a full-city scene just yet.


Any word on the .json for Kadhizi going up soon?

Borough Bound

Right now, our plan is to release Foundry content every four releases. That means you'll get the fully Kadhizi module once the city is complete, which should be early / mid October.


Any update on the E+ Full City modules?

Borough Bound

They are still coming. We debated waiting until E+ was done before doing this master post, but figured we should get Foundry out the door first. We'll be sure to send you a heads up once E+ is finished!

Sam Kahle

Heyo, on the top text layout the Meddenfirth 04 - East Gate zip package is downloading the Ancora Bay 04 - Profligate Cemetry and the Splintered zip package. Thanks in advance! [Edit]: I was able to download it with the link at the bottom of the post.

Borough Bound

Hmm! No idea how that happened. Patreon's UI is constantly causing weird behaviors with hyperlinks. ANYWAY, thanks for pointing that out. Should be sorted now!

Tom Robey

I would sincerely appreciate photos of the maps in this post. I would like to be able to preview what I am downloading before I download it. Or at the very least, links to the original posts so we can see them there. Right now there is no way to quickly see what an entire city will look like without having to search posts, which is frustrating. In order for me to "quickly" browse through everything I have to first download it and then extract it. I'd prefer to be able to do this without having to download it first. Will Borough Bound be getting a website like Cze & Peku? That would help significantly. Otherwise, keep up the good work.

Borough Bound

Hi Tom! We hadn't considered including preview posts in this Master Post. On one hand, that would be super useful for folks to know which maps are included at a glance. On the other hand, Patreon load times can be *excruciating*, especially when posts have a lot of images. I'm not sure right now that there's a practical way to include preview images along with each release without this post ballooning out of control. I will definitely discuss this with the rest of the team to see if there's a good compromise though! As for the website: yes! It's currently in the works. Just want to make sure we have it looking right and proper before making it public. Cheers, and thanks so much for your support!

Tom Robey

Thank you for your reply, I appreciate it. I see your point about Patreon loading times. It's encouraging to know you will discuss options with your team. But no doubt the addition of the website will be instrumental in this endeavor, since links on the master post to each map's page on the website would essentially solve this problem. Looking forward to seeing it!


I really like your work. Will Ancora Bay have Foundry releases?

Borough Bound

We're hard at work on the Ancora Bay Foundry module right now. Lots of moving parts with that one... something so big takes a minute. Thank you for your patience!


Thank you for your hard work! I'm anticipating the release :)

DJ Weil

Anyone know of a work around for Forge-VTT file size on these. The zipped file size for Kadhizi is just over their file size limit (could pay for more) and Ancora Bay is over their highest tier 500MB. Does anyone know if there is another way to get these in our am I out of luck?

Patrick O'Connell

The Ancora Bay foundry JSON seems to be broken


Convert the images to webp and audio to ogg - that should help significantly!


The promise of E+ modules spurred me to support this. I am disappointed that they are not actually available - feels like a bit of false advertising.

Borough Bound

Creating our E+ modules hit a bit of a snag, but I'm happy to report that—weirdly, as of yesterday—our E+ modules for Meddenfirth and Kadhizi are now available! You grab the links in this very post. Ancora Bay and Vyndurvoht will be coming out in due time as well. I really appreciate your patience!

DJ Weil

I don't know if they've added the feature since I joined forge or I just missed it in a not so obvious spot, but they have a spot to add a module via JSON rather than uploading at zip file. This doesn't seem to have the file size limit and I was able to get them added. Thanks for the advice though.


Would I be able to get everything for each city just by going with the "Full City" links? Or would I also have to include the other links for each city as well?

Borough Bound

The "full city" links are more for content that isn't tied to location: tokens, illustrations, and the full-length guide. If you want the music and the maps, you'd have to download the individual zips as well. This is (unfortunately) a limitation of Patreon's file upload size limits. In total, some Ancora Bay has close to a gigabyte of content, so we can't just bundle everything into one big zip.


Thanks for telling me. Didn't want to accidentally overlap


Shouldn't be a problem, being an eventual long-time patron that is


At least I hope to be. Only become a patron like a day ago, or two


Got me a 2TB external hard-drive for DND shit


Are there any help areas that can provide assistance for setting this up on Foundry?

Borough Bound

The best place to go for help is our Discord! You should get added to our server automatically if you provide Patreon with your discord profile.


Would you please put an update out once the E+ Module for Ancora Bay is up?


Same thing for the Vyndurvoht FULL CITY links?


I'm having some issues trying to upload the ancora bay images to The Forge. The file size of the maps, even after conversion to webp, is too big to be uploaded. What should I do?

Borough Bound

Hey Ng! I know some other folks were debating how to tackle that as well... We don't "officially" make our content with The Forge in mind, but I believe some folks on our discord found a workaround. If you haven't already joined our discord, I recommend you ask for help there!

DJ Weil

Hey Ng! I ran into the file size issue while trying to get the full city module to upload. I found that The Forge has an "Install via Manifest URL" button on the side on their Marketplace>Module page. This allowed me to import the module that way rather than uploading a zip file that was too large.


Any idea when the JSON link will be ready for Vyndurvoht?

Borough Bound

Next couple weeks! Our Foundry expert Ryan is hard at work getting all the walls, lighting, scripting, and playlists and whatnot implemented as quickly as he can.


Is Crabwell not going to have the 'full city' stuff?


Thanks for letting me know. I was a little worried

Sqoody7 InVegas

What is the reason for the "spring cleaning" file? dont know what to do with it since it seems to be maps and other files for Meddenfirth.

Borough Bound

"Spring Cleaning" was a collection of content that we had wanted to put together for a while: some new maps for Meddenfirth, a compilation of playable races for 5e, and some music mash-ups. When in doubt, you can always check the original posts for clarification! Here's the one for Spring Cleaning: https://www.patreon.com/posts/spring-cleaning-63192576

Sqoody7 InVegas

Can a png be created for Gruuk with no background? just the platforms itself? i can try to do that myself on a website but it wont look nearly as good.

Sqoody7 InVegas

Sorry 1 final note, the music is great but is only suitable for me for during combat. A much slower pace version of each would be nice to have someday.

Borough Bound

Ahh, tha'ts an interesting idea. I'll reach out to James to see if a "transparent skybox" version would be possible.

Borough Bound

There are currently 90 different tracks available for patrons. You might want to try browsing the master spreadsheet and doing a ctrl + f for "calm." https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Lu0S4iTsxGpLilslFhnHNANH_KXMyhPXokIaUk_oD3g/edit#gid=1403294735


the foundry zips for ancora bay and kadhizi dont work


They mean the links for the Foundry Zip of those two. This should not matter about Foundry version. It should download to a chosen computer folder. I am getting 404 on one link and file deleted on the other.


Though I also tried the link download into Foundry V10(build 288) and that gave a timed out message.


how do you do link download? dropping it in the module folder doesn't seem to work for me

Borough Bound

@Hugo: good catch! Those zip file URLs got updated, but I hadn't yet placed the links in this post. It is fixed now. In general, we strongly recommend using the manifest URL to access Foundry content. If you need help doing that, please hop in our Discord!


hopped in and found the answer in the vtt help channel. never thought the foundry json link was what you had to copy and paste into the url bar in foundry and not click to download like the rest.

Borough Bound

Yep, that's one of the quirks of Foundry. Luckily, that means it's really easy to stay up to date. As long as you have that JSON link, you'll automatically get prompted to update the module as necessary.


Just found you guys and I'm obsessed, the full maps are incredible. Sootwyn Barrow is exactly what I was looking for!! Wish there was more of it, but I'm very impressed <3

Jack Peter

The space variant is ace! Any chance of more space variants of older maps in the future? :)

Borough Bound

Definitely! We will be gradually adding some additional variants for old maps. We don't have any space variants on our immediate upcoming schedule, but given their popularity, it's inevitable we'll tackle some more.