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Patreon backer Dav brings you this special episode all about a spooky being of the night. 

Thanks to Ray Otus for our thumbnail image. The intro music is a clip from "Solve the Damn Mystery" by Jesse Spillane, used under a Creative Commons Attribution License.



I had sleep paralysis. I had a cold so I was sleeping in the spare room. I woke up on my back and there was a figure at the bottom of the bed. I had the impression that it was an old woman, although I couldn't actually see it. I could hear a white noise hissing and I couldn't move. I did manage to rock my self from left to right until I could move my limbs properly and the hallucination stopped. Then it happened twice more in quick succession. I was on the point of going to sleep somewhere else when it stopped. It wasn't frightening, because I knew exactly what it was. In fact, it was initially quite exciting but after three times, I was getting pretty bored with it and just wanted to sleep.