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Patron Daniel asks me to talk about the deities in my home campaign. Sheepishly, I do!



My Mythos pantheon, which has slowly been developing over 7 1/2 years play, is very much about detached, unknowable, cosmic entities. So it develops partly as required by whatever the PCs are up to, and partly not by my keenness that the gods should remain essentially unknowable, although the followers don't behave that way at all. Very similar, in fact, to the way many followers of Christianity are keen to spread God's message, all the while proclaiming God's unknowability (not everyone is into apophatic theology).


Great episode James! May I humbly suggest that if there are no suggestions for pre-season patron deities episode, you could develop one of the gods from your pantheon? Just a thought.


That's an interesting idea, and I might do that for the next one -- after that we may get started with the actual season.