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Patreon backer Sam brings you this special episode that's all about the Dark Powers, except it kind of isn't. It's rare that I do an episode that's mainly about not using a concept, but less is more with Dark Powers. 

Thanks to Ray Otus for our thumbnail image. The intro music is a clip from "Solve the Damn Mystery" by Jesse Spillane, used under a Creative Commons Attribution License.



I'm always excited when you have reason to start talking about comic books and superhoroes. What do I need to request on my next special episode to make more of that happen?


I mean, whatever you like! You pick the destination, I just drive the cab. There are areas I don't know as much about, but I'll say so if it's a problem.


This episode was very troubling for me. I am now in quite the quandary as to which is my favourite moment in Monster Man 1) The 'Men, men, men' song or 2) '(the gods) are not transcendent or ineffable in any way. They are specifically effable. There is a book all about eff'ing them.'


This is genuinely one of my favourite recent goofs on Monster Man, although I don't like to laugh at my own stuff as a rule.