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Patreon backer Greg brings you this special episode devoted to John Carpenter's 1982 classic!

Thanks to Ray Otus for our thumbnail image. The intro music is a clip from "Solve the Damn Mystery" by Jesse Spillane, used under a Creative Commons Attribution License.


Luke Slater

As soon as you started talking about isolated mountain fortresses, I started thinking about implementing The Keep in D&D, rather than The Thing. That would work pretty much down the line - ancient evil buried under the keep, hordes of mooks getting killed. Make the ancient warrior and his length of laser pipe (in the book it's a sword; I don't know why it's an eldritch laser in the film, unless perhaps they couldn't afford the fight choreography) the PCs, who need to work out what or who they're facing (at high levels, you could go with Vecna,) and probably find a hidden laser pipe to fight them with. With the shapeshifter aspect, coming in from outside has the advantage that you don't need to subtly hint at changes in people's behaviour which could be mistaken for forgetting a detail between settings or just being tired this week. One NPC can explain what's odd about how another is behaving and then the puzzle becomes winnowing the artefacts of anxiety from the alien mind rather than spotting the odd pixel.


The Keep is not a bad basis for a scenario, honestly. In fact, I have a notion that someone actually did one at one point ...