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Patreon backer Luke brings you this special episode all about the monsters you don't plan for. 

I can't find the blog post I was referring to, but I think it was on Against the Wicked City

The Pamphlet of Pantheons is live on Kickstarter!

Thanks to Ray Otus for our thumbnail image. The intro music is a clip from "Solve the Damn Mystery" by Jesse Spillane, used under a Creative Commons Attribution License.



I use random name generators all the time, and occasionally a random motivation table but I don't think I've ever rolled on a random encounter table. Even the ones I wrote myself back for my big sandbox AD&D 1st Ed game. I think I've rolled on the random rumour table however. I made a folklore engine for my Trail of Cthulhu Campaign but it's more pick one from each category rather than roll randomly, although you could (and I've tested a more complete version on https://perchance.org/minimal). But yeah, I do like them, especially when they give motivations for the encounter, because, as you say, they show what the game is about.

Andrew M. Reichart

Really dug this episode. Love the stuff about tables as a medium for exposition; glad you didn't just leave it at "show don't tell."


I have used random encounter tables and quite a lot of other random tables. I'm particularly pleased with how the ones in Lorn Song worked out, but you know how fond I am of that module.


It's just one of those moments where you realise that not only is there a simpler way to say what you've been saying, it's a truism.