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Despite some technical problems, my Pamphlet livestream was a lot of fun and I've put the resulting video up on YouTube. The first part was cut off, but you should be able to follow along (it's also on YouTube if you really want to look at it). 

Just four more days until I stop talking about the Pamphlet. Thank you for your patience!


The Pamphlet of Pantheons, part two!

After restoring the stream, James gets back to creating some deities. Check out the Pamphlet of Pantheons on Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/monsterman/the-pamphlet-of-pantheons/description


Andrew M. Reichart

Cool! I was sad that the live stream conked out (though thankfully I was emotionally prepared for such an eventuality thanks to your ample warnings). Enjoying the recording!