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Hi everyone, 

This post is for the attention of all of my $5 Patrons. I'm making some decisions about how MONSTER MAN is going to be scheduled in 2021, and I'd like to see what you all think about some of the different options. 

As I mentioned in a previous episode, the number of $5 Patrons is amazingly gratifying, and it's really important to me that you get value for your generosity. However, the large number of Patrons is actually making it pretty difficult to keep up with the production schedule for special episodes, and I absolutely don't want to skimp on the research or prep time for these shows.

I'm hoping that MONSTER MAN will continue to attract new $5 Patrons in 2021, but that means that we're getting closer and closer to having more Patrons in the pool than there are weeks in the year. The problem with the system as it currently stands is that my workload scales with each new Patron, but the value that you as Patrons receive actually decreases, since your request episodes become less frequent. Now, perhaps this is something that only bothers me, but it does bother me a little bit. I'm thinking of a couple of ways to change the release schedule so that it's compatible with my health and my available time (especially if day job stuff returns to its previous level). 

Here are some of the different approaches I've been considering: 

1. Prioritise episodes from new $5 Patrons, and then just fill in episodes for recurring Patrons as schedule permits, not trying to fit them into a weekly schedule or get them all done in one year. This would be simple, but I'm not wild about it because it means that more new Patrons diminishes the value-for-money that existing Patrons are getting. 

2. Create new special episodes for new $5 Patrons, and then give some other benefit to existing $5 Patrons -- for instance, let everyone in the tier vote on a special episode every month? This would ease the workload while still giving some bonus content to backers who maintain their pledges. It's definitely not as much as a proper special episode, but I think it might be a good compromise.

3. Some kind of hybrid of 1 and 2? Or something else! Suggestions welcome. 

4. Make the replacement of Friday's episode with a special permanent, ensuring a faster schedule of specials but cutting down on Creature Catalogue content. Could combine with either 1 or 2, honestly. 

Any of these ideas might be combined with locking the $5 tier, leaving existing Patrons grandfathered in, and creating a new, higher tier for new people who want special episodes. It sounds mercenary, but I honestly am concerned at present about my ability to keep up with the current influx of Patrons. 

Speaking of health and schedule, I am taking a break between Christmas and New Year. This does mean that a few of the 2020 specials will actually appear in the first two weeks of 2021; please accept my apologies, and I'll get them done as quickly as I can. 

Anyway, I'd love to hear your thoughts on what you'd like. Your support has been instrumental to the success of the show, and I want to make sure you continue to be rewarded for that support -- I just need to do so in a way that's sustainable for me and lets me keep producing the special episodes you want! So what do you think? 

Thanks and happy holidays, 




To stress: above all, happy to go with whatever is best for you, your schedule and enjoyment. I don't think anyone of your patrons is concerned about 'getting money's worth' etc, not least because that's already been achieved manyfold. We support the show because we love it. That said, if-and-only-if everything else is equal, I would vote 4, if it's not too much work. As per Andrew Reichart above, I love the special episodes best of all because they're more detailed and more surprising and you never know what's going to come up or what you're going to learn, plus it's interesting to learn what other people want to have you talk about. And tbh, while I enjoy the episodes a lot, I don't really care how long it takes to get through Creature Catalogue (and/or whatever follows it). So for me, the more special episodes the better. It's also perfectly true that I'd love more chances to request more specials in the future, and the more special episodes the more likelihood that will come around again, but if you end up with too many $5 patrons to make that feasible, whatever option you decide on I agree that those of us who've had our go should be firmly de-prioritised next to new arrivals.


Maybe a combination of a guaranteed special episode for new pledges, a slow trickle of guaranteed specials for long-time patrons, and a voting mechanism for suggested special topics? The first one would be highest priority, but I'm uncertain of the right priority for the last two. Perhaps a couple months of trying it out would reveal the right balance.