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Patreon backer James brings you this special episode all about the fens, that otherworldly region of the east of England! I talk about monsters, but mainly about landscapes.

Thanks to Ray Otus for our thumbnail image. The intro music is a clip from "Solve the Damn Mystery" by Jesse Spillane, used under a Creative Commons Attribution License.



Great episode! My wife (who's from Suffolk) used to say that people from Ely were the way they are because "There's too much sky there." Regarding will-o-the-wisps there was a C19th witicism that one could find one's way across the Fens by following the trail of 'little sparks to Ely' - the point of the joke being that the then Bishop Sparkes was a renowned nepotist.


And of course, the term 'Fen Tiger' predates the alledged big cat spottings by some centuries. Is it related to the Lincolnshire Yellowbellies? Or is it just that the loners out in the reedbeds are particularly fierce?


It originally applied to people who resisted the drainage schemes, but I don't know why they were tigers per se.