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Patreon backer Stan brings you this bonus episode, all about the creatures of M.A.R Barker's classic fantasy setting. Well, honestly, it's mainly about concepts of setting creation, with some Tekumelyani creatures as examples. Enjoy!

Thanks to Ray Otus for our thumbnail image. The intro music is a clip from "Solve the Damn Mystery" by Jesse Spillane, used under a Creative Commons Attribution License.      



When I came back to the UK in 1986, there were people who talked in hushed reverent tones about Tékumel, but my university gaming group was all about the Runequest, so that's the way I went. I've probably not played RQ now in 15 years but it's still with me and so I've not the time or space for MARB. And besides, I've got Skyrealms of Jorune, unplayed and waiting for its day. Which isn't to say that there's probably rewards for any time spent with it. The creatures have narrative purpose rather than just, or it seems, instead of stat blocks and reasons to kill them.


"SEE the beautiful Zola Fel Valley! CARRY Starbrow's luggage!" 😂


Yeah, it definitely feels like it could be rewarding. Every so often you see one of these other play-communities and you think "I could get into that...". Honestly, I don't know how much longer I'm going to be a Cthulhu guy.