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Patreon backer David brings you this bonus episode about our animal friends!

Thanks to Ray Otus for our thumbnail image. The intro music is a clip from "Solve the Damn Mystery" by Jesse Spillane, used under a Creative Commons Attribution License.        



In 13th Age, wizards' familiars don't have hit points. They are an extension of the wizard and give him extra abilities, but without much in the way of cost. In fact, any character could have such a companion animal. In Pendragon, there were rules for running a stud farm. Some of my players became more focussed on making a profit with their horses than going on quests. It was pretty dull for everyone else, to the extent that I needed as a GM to really do something about it.

Thomas McGrenery

One of the PCs in our WFRP game has a monkey. It's part of the Sea Captain career trappings. Mr Cheeky Crumbles (for it is he) is usually forgotten until someone says 'Wait, don't you have a monkey?' and Paul remembers that yes he does, but it won't help here because it is not - crucially - a *trained* monkey. There's an awareness in the group, I think, that while it's fun to sometimes remember the monkey, it doesn't necessarily help the atmosphere of the game to actually have a monkey around all the time. So it is a functional arrangement.


I think that familiar as characterful-PC-ability, a la HeroQuest, is probably the best approach.


Yeah, I think that's where characters usually end up, and I don't think there's necessarily anything wrong with that. A loveable animal sidekick can come to dominate a game if left unchecked.