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There are a lot of monsters in today's episode -- but we've seen a few of them before!

(I know it's a short message, but it's a busy day!)

Thanks to Ray Otus for our thumbnail image. The intro music is a clip from "Solve the Damn Mystery" by Jesse Spillane, used under a Creative Commons Attribution License.      


Thomas McGrenery

I found this on the letters page of Imagine #5 (August 1983), from Roger Musson: "I really must set the record straight, once and for all. The Nilbog was invented by the inestimable Nick Best, not by me. My only part was to mention the creature in a letter to Don, who asked me for details which I duly sent him. It was never my intention that the Nilbog should be published under my name, but since the error was made it has been hard to correct. I only hope Nick isn't too mad at me for 'stealing' his creation." – <a href="https://archive.org/stream/Imagine14/Imagine%2005" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://archive.org/stream/Imagine14/Imagine%2005</a>#page/n45/mode/2up


Huh. Interesting! I shall have to look through my issues of Imagine (found in a big bag in a charity shop with all the scenarios pulled out, grumble grumble) and see if anything else stands out.


Just wanted to mention that the banth, in Monsters Mild and malign by Don Turnbull, is another literary reference that he didn't notice-- it's a creature from the John Carter series, by ERB. (Though in the books, I think the banth has ten legs, not eight.)