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Patron Daniel Lofton brings you this special episode devoted to my froggy boys! Some monsters set the earth atremble, and some monsters are swamp trash, but I love 'em all. 

  Thanks to Ray Otus for our thumbnail image. The intro music is a clip from "Solve the Damn Mystery" by Jesse Spillane, used under a Creative Commons Attribution License.      


Andrew M. Reichart

I definitely think the 5e temperament is inspired by Mr. Toad!


And it's such a good version of them, too, because they're still horrible, reckless narcissists, but in a way that's kind of ... uncomfortably familiar.

Andrew M. Reichart

Now I'm imagining Mr. Toad accidentally running someone over in his car and... leaping out and eating them.


I presume he takes them home to eat them with a bunch of "oh ho ho, sausages!" kind of talk that blissfully ignores the fact that they can hear him.